19 March 2014 Quantification of biological tissue and construction of patient equivalent phantom (skull and chest) for infants (1-5 years old)
A. F. Alves, D. R. Pina, F. A. Bacchim Neto, S. M. Ribeiro, J. R. A. Miranda
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Our main purpose in this study was to quantify biological tissue in computed tomography (CT) examinations with the aim of developing a skull and a chest patient equivalent phantom (PEP), both specific to infants, aged between 1 and 5 years old. This type of phantom is widely used in the development of optimization procedures for radiographic techniques, especially in computed radiography (CR) systems. In order to classify and quantify the biological tissue, we used a computational algorithm developed in Matlab ®. The algorithm performed a histogram of each CT slice followed by a Gaussian fitting of each tissue type. The algorithm determined the mean thickness for the biological tissues (bone, soft, fat, and lung) and also converted them into the corresponding thicknesses of the simulator material (aluminum, PMMA, and air). We retrospectively analyzed 148 CT examinations of infant patients, 56 for skull exams and 92 were for chest. The results provided sufficient data to construct a phantom to simulate the infant chest and skull in the posterior–anterior or anterior–posterior (PA/AP) view. Both patient equivalent phantoms developed in this study can be used to assess physical variables such as noise power spectrum (NPS) and signal to noise ratio (SNR) or perform dosimetric control specific to pediatric protocols.
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A. F. Alves, D. R. Pina, F. A. Bacchim Neto, S. M. Ribeiro, and J. R. A. Miranda "Quantification of biological tissue and construction of patient equivalent phantom (skull and chest) for infants (1-5 years old)", Proc. SPIE 9033, Medical Imaging 2014: Physics of Medical Imaging, 90334T (19 March 2014); Logo
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