17 April 2014 EUV lithography: NXE platform performance overview
Rudy Peeters, Sjoerd Lok, Joerg Mallman, Martijn van Noordenburg, Noreen Harned, Peter Kuerz, Martin Lowisch, Eelco van Setten, Guido Schiffelers, Alberto Pirati, Judon Stoeldraijer, David Brandt, Nigel Farrar, Igor Fomenkov, Herman Boom, Hans Meiling, Ron Kool
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The first NXE3300B systems have been qualified and shipped to customers. The NXE:3300B is ASML’s third generation EUV system and has an NA of 0.33. It succeeds the NXE:3100 system (NA of 0.25), which has allowed customers to gain valuable EUV experience. Good overlay and imaging performance has been shown on the NXE:3300B system in line with 22nm device requirements. Full wafer CDU performance of <1.5nm for 22nm dense and iso lines at a dose of ~16mJ/cm2 has been achieved. Matched machine overlay (NXE to immersion) of around 3.5nm has been demonstrated on multiple systems. Dense lines have been exposed down to 13nm half pitch, and contact holes down to 17nm half pitch. 10nm node Metal-1 layers have been exposed with a DOF of 120nm, and using single spacer assisted double patterning flow a resolution of 9nm has been achieved.

Source power is the major challenge to overcome in order to achieve cost-effectiveness in EUV and enable introduction into High Volume Manufacturing. With the development of the MOPA+prepulse operation of the source, steps in power have been made, and with automated control the sources have been prepared to be used in a preproduction fab environment.

Flexible pupil formation is under development for the NXE:3300B which will extend the usage of the system in HVM, and the resolution for the full system performance can be extended to 16nm. Further improvements in defectivity performance have been made, while in parallel full-scale pellicles are being developed.

In this paper we will discuss the current NXE:3300B performance, its future enhancements and the recent progress in EUV source performance.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rudy Peeters, Sjoerd Lok, Joerg Mallman, Martijn van Noordenburg, Noreen Harned, Peter Kuerz, Martin Lowisch, Eelco van Setten, Guido Schiffelers, Alberto Pirati, Judon Stoeldraijer, David Brandt, Nigel Farrar, Igor Fomenkov, Herman Boom, Hans Meiling, and Ron Kool "EUV lithography: NXE platform performance overview", Proc. SPIE 9048, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography V, 90481J (17 April 2014); Logo
Cited by 23 scholarly publications.
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Semiconducting wafers


Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Extreme ultraviolet


Imaging systems



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