21 May 2014 Predicting impact of multi-paths on phase change in map-based vehicular ad hoc networks
Mark Rahmes, George Lemieux, Jerome Sonnenberg, David B. Chester
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Dynamic Spectrum Access, which through its ability to adapt the operating frequency of a radio, is widely believed to be a solution to the limited spectrum problem. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) can extend high capacity mobile communications over large areas where fixed and tethered-mobile systems are not available. In one use case with high potential impact cognitive radio employs spectrum sensing to facilitate identification of allocated frequencies not currently accessed by their primary users. Primary users own the rights to radiate at a specific frequency and geographic location, secondary users opportunistically attempt to radiate at a specific frequency when the primary user is not using it. We quantify optimal signal detection in map based cognitive radio networks with multiple rapidly varying phase changes and multiple orthogonal signals. Doppler shift occurs due to reflection, scattering, and rapid vehicle movement. Path propagation as well as vehicle movement produces either constructive or destructive interference with the incident wave. Our signal detection algorithms can assist the Doppler spread compensation algorithm by deciding how many phase changes in signals are present in a selected band of interest. Additionally we can populate a spatial radio environment map (REM) database with known information that can be leveraged in an ad hoc network to facilitate Dynamic Spectrum Access. We show how topography can help predict the impact of multi-paths on phase change, as well as about the prediction from dense traffic areas. Utilization of high resolution geospatial data layers in RF propagation analysis is directly applicable.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mark Rahmes, George Lemieux, Jerome Sonnenberg, and David B. Chester "Predicting impact of multi-paths on phase change in map-based vehicular ad hoc networks", Proc. SPIE 9103, Wireless Sensing, Localization, and Processing IX, 910309 (21 May 2014);
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Signal detection

Doppler effect

Detection and tracking algorithms


Signal to noise ratio

Signal processing



Adaptive Threshold Adjustment And Control
Proceedings of SPIE (September 05 1989)
Detection of false transients
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 2005)
A multicarrier system for HF communications
Proceedings of SPIE (April 28 2004)

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