11 March 2015 In-vivo concentration ratio estimation of two fluorescent probes for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
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In-vivo measurement of the concentrations of biological compounds using fluorescence is one of the challenging biophotonic fields. These measurements are useful in diagnostic and treatment monitoring applications that use fluorescent probes which may bond to specific proteins and drugs. In some cases the relative concentration of two compounds is a sufficient biological indicator. For instance, it has been shown that the ratio between Amyloid-Beta and tau protein in the Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may predict the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) several years before current diagnosis. We have previously suggested a system that could measure the concentration ratio of these two proteins in-vivo without the need to collect CSF samples. This system uses a miniature needle with an optical fiber which is coupled to a laser source and a detector. The fiber excites fluorescent probes which were injected and bond to the proteins in the CSF, and collects the fluorescence emission. Using the fluorescence intensity ratio, the concentration ratio between the proteins is estimated, and AD may be diagnosed. In this work we present the results of an in-vivo trial performed on mice. Miniature tubes containing two fluorescent probes in several concentration ratios were inserted into the mice in two locations: subcutaneously, and deeper in the abdomen. The fluorescent probes were excited and the fluorescence intensity was measured. The concentration ratios were extracted from the fluorescence intensities using a simple calibration curve. The extracted ratios are compared to the true ratios and the system’s accuracy is estimated.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Osnat Harbater and Israel Gannot "In-vivo concentration ratio estimation of two fluorescent probes for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease", Proc. SPIE 9317, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XV, 931709 (11 March 2015);
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In vivo imaging



Alzheimer's disease



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