8 February 2015 Review of Al-free active region laser diodes on GaAs for pumping applications
M. Krakowski, M. Lecomte, N. Michel, M. Calligaro, M. Carbonnelle, M. Tran, M. Lamponi, C. Cayron, V. Ligeret, J. Bébé Manga Lobé, Roberto Mostallino, N. von Bandel, A. Larrue, Y. Robert, E. Vinet, O. Drisse, M. Garcia, O. Parillaud
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Laser diodes emitting at different wavelengths can address various applications. 852nm or 894nm single frequency low linewidth laser diodes are needed for Cs pumping for realization of atomic clocks. 780nm high power low linewidth laser diodes and amplifiers are needed for Rb pumping for realization of cooled atoms based inertial sensors. High power lasers at 793nm and 975nm with wavelength stabilization are required to pump Tm and Yb doped fibres respectively. We have developed the building blocks and have realize the different kinds of laser diodes needed for various pumping applications. One of these key building blocks are the Al free active region laser structures, which allow epitaxial regrowth on a Bragg grating necessary to get single frequency or wavelength stabilized lasers.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Krakowski, M. Lecomte, N. Michel, M. Calligaro, M. Carbonnelle, M. Tran, M. Lamponi, C. Cayron, V. Ligeret, J. Bébé Manga Lobé, Roberto Mostallino, N. von Bandel, A. Larrue, Y. Robert, E. Vinet, O. Drisse, M. Garcia, and O. Parillaud "Review of Al-free active region laser diodes on GaAs for pumping applications", Proc. SPIE 9370, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices XII, 93702C (8 February 2015); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Semiconductor lasers



Gallium arsenide

Laser development

Laser stabilization



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