In this paper, we presented the filtration effects on block copolymers (BCP) that are commonly used in directed self-assembly lithographic (DSAL) imaging schemes. Specifically we focused on filtration effects on micro-contaminants such as metal ions and metal induced gels.
Gel removal efficiency studies carried out with HDPE, Nylon and PTFE filters pointed out that Nylon 6,6 membrane is the most effective in removing gels in block copolymer (BCP) solutions.
Metal removal efficiency studies were conducted using multistep filtrations such as repetitive filtration of single membrane material and combination of different type of membranes. Results showed that a combination of Nylon-6,6 and ion-exchange filters is highly effective in reducing metals such as Li, Mg and Al to > 99.99% efficiency. The mechanism of metal removal efficiency is discussed in detail.