Proceedings Volume Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXV, PC124180E
The main objective of this project is to develop nonlinearly absorbing hybrid devices at 1550
nm. This optical range is particulary interesting while it is widely used for optics fibers, it is safe for the
human eye and the atmosphere is completely transparent.
In this context, we designed aza-BODIPY due to their particular photophysical properties,
characterized by a high extinction coefficient and a fluorescence in the NIR region.[1] Although these
dyes are mainly used as fluorescent probes for bio imaging [2] or in active layer for organic
photovoltaic,[3] recent studies in our group showed their high potential for nonlinear applications, where
their enhanced two-photon efficiency and excited state absorption in the wavelength of interest have
been demonstrated.[1] These new aza-BODIPY derivatives with different donor units in order to
increase the charge transfer properties led to improve the final efficiency of hybrid devices. [4]
Finally, we will discuss the use of plasmonic nanoparticles to strongly enhance the nonlinear
performance of these dyes within hybrid systems, creating a synergy effect never observed on such a
system in the NIR region.[5]
1. S. Pascal, Q. Bellier, S. David, P.-A. Bouit, S.-H. Chi, N. S. Makarov, B. Le Guennic, S. Chibani,
G. Berginc, P. Feneyrou, D. Jacquemin, J. W. Perry, O. Maury, C. Andraud, J. Phys. Chem. C, (123):
23661, 2019.
2. Z. Shi, X. Han, W. Hu, H. Bai, B. Peng, L. Ji, Q. Fan, L. Li, W. Huang, Chem. Soc. Rev., (49):
7533, 2020.
3. R. S. Rao, B. Yadagiri, G. D. Sharma, S. P. Singh, Chem. Commun., (55) : 12535, 2019.
4. S. David, D. Chateau, H.-J. Chang, L. H. Karlsson, M. V. Bondar, C. Lopes, B. Le Guennic, D.
Jacquemin, G. Berginc, O. Maury, S. Parola, C. Andraud J. Phys. Chem. C, (124): 24344, 2020.
5. D. Château, S. David, G. Berginc, C. Lopes, F. Chaput, F. Lerouge, A. Désert, C. Andraud, S.
Parola ACS Appl. Nano Mater., (5): 3773, 2022.
Acknowledgments: we are grateful to DGA for PRO-IR project support