Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) have become the preferred option for energy-efficient, high-speed optical interconnects in data centers and supercomputers due to their cost-effectiveness and reliability. However, current VCSELs have limitations in modulation speeds, with a roll-off of 20 GHz. In this work, we propose a novel hexagonal transverse-coupled-cavity design that adiabatically couples through a central cavity. Through this design, we have successfully developed a prototype VCSEL with a 3-dB roll-off modulation bandwidth of 45 GHz, an improvement of five times that of a standard VCSEL on the same epiwafer. This design utilizes the Vernier effect to widen the laser's aperture, extending the dynamic roll-off point and increasing power output. With the increased modulation speed and output power, this new VCSEL design offers new possibilities for data communication, sensing, automotive, and photonic AI systems.