2 August 2024 Quantum dot coherent control for quantum communication
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Temporal encodings of quantum information are prevalent in applications because of their suitability for long-distance quantum communication and their compatibility with optical fiber communication networks. Perhaps the simplest temporal encoding is time-bin encoding, i. e. in superpositions of two (or more) temporally separated optical pulses. Early attempts at generating time-bin entanglement from single quantum emitters was not able to avoid the problem of re-excitation or was converted probabilistically from polarization entangled photon pairs from a quantum dot. Direct generation requires a metastable level to carry the coherence and avoid double pair emission into the desired time bins. In order to use dark exciton states as metastable states we have worked on their efficient creation and coherent control in the presence of in-plane magnetic fields. Much of this is based on our recent work on advanced excitation schemes using chirped pulses. With chirped pulses we are now able to deterministically populate a dark exciton state and to transfer this population to the biexciton, which can then emit a photon pair.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gregor Weihs "Quantum dot coherent control for quantum communication", Proc. SPIE PC13106, Photonics for Quantum 2024, PC131060I (2 August 2024);
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