Open Access
12 January 2017 Early identification of cotton fields using mosaicked aerial multispectral imagery
Chenghai Yang, Charles P. C. Suh, John K. Westbrook
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Citing works (3 citations)
1. Tyler J. Raszick, "Boll Weevil Eradication: A Success Story of Science in the Service of Policy and Industry", Annals of the Entomological Society of America 114(6), pg. 702, (2021); doi:10.1093/aesa/saab031
2. Chenghai Yang, Charles P.-C. Suh, "Applying machine learning classifiers to Sentinel-2 imagery for early identification of cotton fields to advance boll weevil eradication", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 213, pg. 108268, (2023); doi:10.1016/j.compag.2023.108268
3. Chen Zou, Donghua Chen, Zhu Chang et al., "Early Identification of Cotton Fields Based on Gf-6 Images in Arid and Semiarid Regions (China)", Remote Sensing 15(22), pg. 5326, (2023); doi:10.3390/rs15225326
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Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
Image classification

Near infrared

RGB color model

Multispectral imaging

Airborne remote sensing

Particle filters


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