A wave of precision radial velocity (RV) instruments will open the door to exploring the populations of companions of low-mass stars. The Palomar Radial Velocity Instrument (PARVI) will be optimized to detect RV signals of cool K and M stars with an instrument precision floor of 30 cm / s. PARVI will operate in the λ = 1.2- to 1.8-μm-wavelength range with a spectral resolution of λ / Δλ ∼ 100,000. It will operate on the Palomar 5.1-m Hale telescope and use Palomar’s PALM-3000 adaptive optics system, single-mode fibers, and an H-band laser frequency comb to probe and characterize the population of planets around cool, red stars. We describe the performance of the PARVI guide camera: a C-RED 2 from First Light Advanced Imagery. The C-RED 2 will be used in a tip-tilt loop, which requires fast readout at low noise levels to eliminate any residual guide errors and ensure the target starlight stays centered on the fiber. At −40 ° C and a frame rate of 400 frames per second in nondestructive read mode, the C-RED 2 has a combined dark and background current of 493 e − / s. Using up-the-ramp sampling, we are able to reduce the read noise to 21.2 e − . With the C-RED 2, PARVI will be able to guide using targets as faint as 14.6 H magnitude. |
Cited by 18 scholarly publications.
Signal to noise ratio
Cadmium sulfide
Single mode fibers