Open Access
5 February 2016 Optical fiber-based full Mueller polarimeter for endoscopic imaging using a two-wavelength simultaneous measurement method
Jérémy Vizet, Sandeep Manhas, Jacqueline Tran, Pierre Validire, Abdelali Benali, Enric Garcia-Caurel, Angelo Pierangelo, Antonello De Martino, Dominique Pagnoux
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This paper reports a technique based on spectrally differential measurement for determining the full Mueller matrix of a biological sample through an optical fiber. In this technique, two close wavelengths were used simultaneously, one for characterizing the fiber and the other for characterizing the assembly of fiber and sample. The characteristics of the fiber measured at one wavelength were used to decouple its contribution from the measurement on the assembly of fiber and sample and then to extract sample Mueller matrix at the second wavelength. The proof of concept was experimentally validated by measuring polarimetric parameters of various calibrated optical components through the optical fiber. Then, polarimetric images of histological cuts of human colon tissues were measured, and retardance, diattenuation, and orientation of the main axes of fibrillar regions were displayed. Finally, these images were successfully compared with images obtained by a free space Mueller microscope. As the reported method does not use any moving component, it offers attractive integration possibilities with an endoscopic probe.
CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Jérémy Vizet, Sandeep Manhas, Jacqueline Tran, Pierre Validire, Abdelali Benali, Enric Garcia-Caurel, Angelo Pierangelo, Antonello De Martino, and Dominique Pagnoux "Optical fiber-based full Mueller polarimeter for endoscopic imaging using a two-wavelength simultaneous measurement method," Journal of Biomedical Optics 21(7), 071106 (5 February 2016).
Published: 5 February 2016 Logo
Cited by 27 scholarly publications.


Optical fibers





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