18 January 2023 Apple yield prediction mapping using machine learning techniques through the Google Earth Engine cloud in Kashmir Valley, India
Chiranjit Singha, Shahid Gulzar, Kishore Chandra Swain, Devendra Pradhan
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Our study established a machine learning (ML) model that could predict the apple yield based on various satellite multisensor data, such as climatological, SAR backscatter, terrain distribution, and soil factors, grouped as 26 subcriteria. A total of 986 apple orchards database were collected from 2018 to 2021 in Kashmir Valley, India covering an area of 277953.7 ha farmland. The novelty of our research is the integration of Google Earth Engine cloud and ML models, namely random forest, support vector machine, extreme gradient boosting, K-nearest neighbors, and Cubist along with the geographic information system/remote sensing technology to create an accurate and comprehensive apple yield prediction model in the precision agriculture realm for highlands. The multicollinearity testing indicated that the tolerance and VIF values of all the conditioning factors were <0.1 and <6.85, respectively, indicating no multicollinearity problems among the apple yield suitability factors. Among the tested ML models, the Cubist model performed best, with R2 of 0.83, root-mean-squared error of 0.56 t / ha, and mean absolute error of 0.2 t / ha. The results showed a low mean fruit yield during 2018 of 12.36 ton / ha, whereas maximum fruit yield was reflected in 2021 of 14.05 ton / ha. The heat map revealed the highest normalized differential vegetation index along with vertical-vertical/ vertical-horizontal polarization backscatter, detected during the pre-event of severe snowfall compared to on- and postevent of snowfall for the respective years. Untimely snowing and infestation due to fungi and bacterial diseases regularly reduce fruit yield in the study area. Our study successfully used of high-resolution optical-SAR data combined with ML models as a promising tool for monitoring the yield variability over the highland areas.

© 2023 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Chiranjit Singha, Shahid Gulzar, Kishore Chandra Swain, and Devendra Pradhan "Apple yield prediction mapping using machine learning techniques through the Google Earth Engine cloud in Kashmir Valley, India," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 17(1), 014505 (18 January 2023). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.17.014505
Received: 18 September 2022; Accepted: 30 December 2022; Published: 18 January 2023
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