1 January 2011 Describing coral reef bleaching using very high spatial resolution satellite imagery: experimental methodology
Daniel C. Ziskin, Christoph Aubrecht, Christopher D. Elvidge, Ben Tuttle, C. Mark Eakin, Alan E. Strong, Liane S. Guild
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This paper proposes an experimental methodology toward describing and quantifying coral reef bleaching using very high spatial resolution optical satellite imagery. Sea surface temperature-based bleaching alerts issued by NOAA's Coral Reef Watch triggered image acquisition and served as an indication for high bleaching probability. Images of suspected coral reef bleaching events and reference images of the same reefs during previous unbleached conditions were coregistered and radiometrically normalized for change detection. An experimental methodology was developed to describe the severity and extent of the bleaching. The methodology hinges on the creation of the Coral Bleaching Index (CBI), constructed from change detected in the green, blue, and red wavelength bands. Results are provided in the form of colorized difference images showing areas of observed bleaching in gold, as well as CBI images, visualizing varying bleaching intensities. Comparison of the CBI with available field validation data yielded a correlation, however additional reference data would be needed for more detailed quality assessment. This technique is seen as a step toward the routine detection and long-term monitoring of coral reef bleaching from space and serves as a proposed tool for detecting bleaching in remote areas where observers cannot be deployed.
©(2011) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Daniel C. Ziskin, Christoph Aubrecht, Christopher D. Elvidge, Ben Tuttle, C. Mark Eakin, Alan E. Strong, and Liane S. Guild "Describing coral reef bleaching using very high spatial resolution satellite imagery: experimental methodology," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 5(1), 053531 (1 January 2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3595300
Published: 1 January 2011
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Earth observing sensors


High resolution satellite images

Spatial resolution


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