1 July 1990 Design and analysis of a Schwarzschild imaging multilayer x-ray microscope
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Normal incidence multilayer x-ray mirror technology has now advanced to the point that high resolution x-ray microscopes with relatively large fields of view are feasible. High resolution aplanatic imaging x-ray microscopes configured from low x-ray scatter normal incidence multilayer optics should be ideal for laser fusion research, biological investigations, and astronomical studies when used in conjunction with grazing incidence or multilayer x-ray telescope systems. We have designed several Schwarzschild x-ray microscope optics. Diffraction analysis indicates that better than 600 Å spatial resolution in the object plane up to a 0.7 mm field of view can be achieved with 100 Å radiation. We are currently fabricating a 20 x normal incidence multilayer x-ray microscope of 1.35 m overall length. We have also analyzed and designed other microscope systems for use in conjunction with x-ray telescopes. This paper reports on the results of these studies and the x-ray microscope fabrication effort.
David L. Shealy, Richard B. Hoover, Troy W. Barbee Jr., and Arthur B. C. Walker II "Design and analysis of a Schwarzschild imaging multilayer x-ray microscope," Optical Engineering 29(7), (1 July 1990). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.55656
Published: 1 July 1990
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Cited by 17 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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X-ray imaging



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