1 October 1993 Modeling spray/puddle dissolution processes for deep-ultraviolet acid-hardened resists
John M. Hutchinson, Siddhartha Das, Qi-De Qian, Henry T. Gaw
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A study of the dissolution behavior of acid-hardened resists (AHR) was undertaken for spray and spray/puddle development processes. The Site Services DSM-100 end-point detection system is used to measure both spray and puddle dissolution data for a commercially available deep-ultraviolet AHR resist, Shipley SNR-248. The DSM allows in situ measurement of dissolution rate on the wafer chuck and hence allows parameter extraction for modeling spray and puddle processes. The dissolution data for spray and puddle processes was collected across a range of exposure dose and postexposure bake temperature. The development recipe was varied to decouple the contribution of the spray and puddle modes to the overall dissolution characteristics. The mechanisms involved in spray versus puddle dissolution and the impact of spray versus puddle dissolution on process performance metrics has been investigated. We used the effective-dose-modeling approach and the measurement capability of the DSM-100 and developed a lumped parameter model for acid-hardened resists that incorporates the effects of exposure, postexposure bake temperature and time, and development condition. The PARMEX photoresist-modeling program is used to determine parameters for the spray and for the puddle process. The lumped parameter AHR model developed showed good agreement with experimental data.
John M. Hutchinson, Siddhartha Das, Qi-De Qian, and Henry T. Gaw "Modeling spray/puddle dissolution processes for deep-ultraviolet acid-hardened resists," Optical Engineering 32(10), (1 October 1993). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.145968
Published: 1 October 1993
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Deep ultraviolet

Data modeling

Signal processing

Semiconducting wafers

Photoresist processing

Picture Archiving and Communication System

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