1 September 2003 Compact robotics perception system based on a laser range finder coupled with silicon micromirrors
Marc Lescure, Christian Ganibal, Roland Prajoux, Maurice Briot
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A compact perception system—originally developed for real-time acquisition of 3-D images for robotics applications—is presented. For distances up to 12 m, the resolution is about 2 cm at a rate of 5 images/s, with a field of view better than ∓20 deg. The setup is based on a specifically designed phase-shift laser range finder coupled with two micromachined silicon mirrors with a size of 4×4 mm. A sensor gives the Cartesian position of the laser spot. Data obtained from scanning are stored in numerical form in a 4096 10-bit words RAM. This design intends to provide a device with as many silicon components as possible, in view of achieving a very large integration in the near future. We describe the current device and analyze experimental results.
©(2003) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Marc Lescure, Christian Ganibal, Roland Prajoux, and Maurice Briot "Compact robotics perception system based on a laser range finder coupled with silicon micromirrors," Optical Engineering 42(9), (1 September 2003). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1597676
Published: 1 September 2003
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Distance measurement





Laser range finders

Phase shifts

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