1 July 2005 Influence of multiscattering on the results of airborne hydro-optical sensing
Vitalii S. Shamanaev, Grigorii P. Kokhanenko, Margarita M. Krekova, Ivan E. Penner
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Experimental data on seawater laser sensing with an airborne lidar having a changeable field of view are presented. Wind-driven sea waves and microwaves lead to Fresnel's splitting of a sounding beam into smaller sized beams, fluctuations, and escape of a number of signal photons from the detector field-of-view (FOV) cone, that is, to an apparent increase in the attenuation coefficient. Multiple scattering leads to the arrival of additional signal photons in the detector FOV, that is, to an apparent decrease in the attenuation coefficient. For the described lidar, two opposite processes provide its reliable operation at the FOV no less than 6 mrad.
©(2005) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Vitalii S. Shamanaev, Grigorii P. Kokhanenko, Margarita M. Krekova, and Ivan E. Penner "Influence of multiscattering on the results of airborne hydro-optical sensing," Optical Engineering 44(7), 071212 (1 July 2005). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1955347
Published: 1 July 2005
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Signal attenuation


Signal detection

Multiple scattering

Optical engineering

Statistical analysis

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