1 June 2010 Specification of hierarchical-model-based fast quarter-pixel motion estimation
Junsang Cho, Jung W. Suh, Gwanggil Jeon, Jechang Jeong
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We propose a robust and fast quarter-pixel motion estimation algorithm. This algorithm is an advanced version of the previously proposed model-based quarter-pixel motion estimation (MBQME). MBQME has many advantages in computational complexity, running speed, and hardware implementations. But it has the problem that it does not find the quarter-pixel positions that locate beyond the half-pixel positions. That is one of limitations of model-based motion estimation methods, and it leads to both peak-SNR degradation and bit-rate increase. To solve this problem, we propose a hierarchical mathematical model with minimum interpolations. Through this model, we can determine a motion vector at every quarter-pixel point, which is perfectly compatible with the quarter-pixel motion estimation method within international video coding standards such as MPEG-4 and H.264/AVC. The simulation results show that the proposed method yields almost the same or even better peak-SNR performance than that of full-search quarter-pixel motion estimation, with much lower computational complexity.
©(2010) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Junsang Cho, Jung W. Suh, Gwanggil Jeon, and Jechang Jeong "Specification of hierarchical-model-based fast quarter-pixel motion estimation," Optical Engineering 49(6), 067003 (1 June 2010). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3454389
Published: 1 June 2010
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Motion estimation

Motion models

Mathematical modeling

Model-based design

Optical engineering

Video coding

Error analysis


Fast and robust algorithm for global motion estimation
Proceedings of SPIE (January 10 1997)
Advanced tracking control of positioning tables
Proceedings of SPIE (August 28 1995)

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