Open Access
22 April 2014 Plasma enhancement of femtosecond laser-induced electromagnetic pulses at metal and dielectric surfaces
Sanjay Varma, Jane Spicer, Benjamin Brawley, Joseph A. Miragliotta
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In a previous report, we have shown that the long wavelength, electromagnetic-pulsed (EMP) energy generated by ultrashort (38 fs) laser pulse ablation of a metal target is enhanced by an order of magnitude due to a preplasma generated by a different, 14-ns-long laser pulse. Here, we further investigate this EMP enhancement effect in a 2- to 16-GHz microwave region with different target materials and laser parameters. Specifically, we show a greater than two orders of magnitude enhancement to the EMP energy when the nanosecond and ultrashort laser pulses are coincident on a glass target, and greater than one order of magnitude enhancement when the pulses are coincident on a copper target.
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Sanjay Varma, Jane Spicer, Benjamin Brawley, and Joseph A. Miragliotta "Plasma enhancement of femtosecond laser-induced electromagnetic pulses at metal and dielectric surfaces," Optical Engineering 53(5), 051515 (22 April 2014).
Published: 22 April 2014 Logo
Cited by 16 scholarly publications and 1 patent.

Femtosecond phenomena

Pulsed laser operation


Ultrafast phenomena



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