16 December 2021 Optimized convolutional neural network-based multigas detection using fiber optic sensor
Subba Rao Chalasani, Geetha Thanga Selvam, Chellaswamy Chellaiah, Arul Srinivasan
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We developed a convolutional neural network-based high-sensitivity gas optical sensor (CNN-HGS) using photonic crystals for detecting different gases (N2, He, and CO2). Square-shaped dielectric rods with a cubic lattice index were used for the maintenance of the exact distance and area between the rods. The flower pollination optimization algorithm was used for the improvement of the hyperparameters of the CNN. The proposed CNN-HGS consists of three resonance nanocavities: one nanocavity with a refractive index of 2.6 located at the center and the other two subnanocavities with a refractive index of 2.1 placed in the path of the input and output waveguides, respectively. The experiment for the proposed CNN-HGS was conducted with three certified sample gas cylinders and a precise mass flow controller. A clean air generator was linked to the same pipeline for the dilution of the flow of hydrocarbon. During the experiment, a typical gas admixture with concentrations of 60 to 900 ppm was used. Training and testing were conducted using a dataset with 80% and 20% of the total, respectively. The result shows that the proposed optimized CNN delivers a 7.5% improvement in the training accuracy. The CNN-HGS was tested and compared with three other optimization techniques, and the result shows the superiority of the proposed method.

© 2021 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2021/$28.00 © 2021 SPIE
Subba Rao Chalasani, Geetha Thanga Selvam, Chellaswamy Chellaiah, and Arul Srinivasan "Optimized convolutional neural network-based multigas detection using fiber optic sensor," Optical Engineering 60(12), 127108 (16 December 2021). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.60.12.127108
Received: 11 August 2021; Accepted: 1 December 2021; Published: 16 December 2021
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Carbon monoxide


Particle swarm optimization

Neural networks

Fiber optics sensors


Optical engineering

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