The interactions of microparticles of different materials located on the surface of a multilayer dielectric mirror with intense 1053-nm laser pulses of varying fluence and duration (10 and 0.6 ps) are investigated. The particles caused localized intensification of the electric field, which becomes the dominant mechanism for the onset of damage and secondary contamination of the mirror at fluences far below the pristine (without particles) laser-induced-damage threshold of the mirror. Several interaction mechanisms leading to material modification and damage are identified, including the localized field intensification by multibeam interference and particle-induced microlensing, plasma-induced scalding, and secondary contamination via nanoparticle generation and particle melting. The resulting morphologies were observed to be vulnerable to damage growth and additional damage initiation when irradiated by subsequent pulses. |
Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
Picosecond phenomena
Laser induced damage