Open Access
19 August 2021 Automated real-time spectral characterization of phase-change tunable filters using a linear variable filter and IR camera for wide-field MWIR imaging
David Bombara, Calum Williams, Stephen E. Borg, Hyun Jung Kim
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Actively tunable optical filters based on chalcogenide phase-change materials (PCMs) are an emerging technology with applications across chemical spectroscopy and thermal imaging. The refractive index of an embedded PCM thin film is modulated through an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition induced through thermal stimulus. Performance metrics include transmittance, passband center wavelength (CWL), and bandwidth; ideally monitored during operation (in situ) or after a set number of tuning cycles to validate real-time operation. Measuring these aforementioned metrics in real-time is challenging. Fourier-transform infrared (IR) spectroscopy provides the gold-standard for performance characterization yet is expensive and inflexible—incorporating the PCM tuning mechanism is not straightforward, hence in situ electro-optical measurements are challenging. In this work, we implement an open-source MATLAB®-controlled real-time performance characterization system consisting of an inexpensive linear variable filter (LVF) and mid-wave IR camera, capable of switching the PCM-based filters while simultaneously recording in situ filter performance metrics and spectral filtering profile. These metrics are calculated through pixel intensity measurements and displayed on a custom-developed graphical user interface in real-time. The CWL is determined through spatial position of intensity maxima along the LVF’s longitudinal axis. Furthermore, plans are detailed for a future experimental system that further reduces cost, is compact, and utilizes a near-IR camera.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
David Bombara, Calum Williams, Stephen E. Borg, and Hyun Jung Kim "Automated real-time spectral characterization of phase-change tunable filters using a linear variable filter and IR camera for wide-field MWIR imaging," Optical Engineering 60(8), 084105 (19 August 2021).
Received: 16 February 2021; Accepted: 2 August 2021; Published: 19 August 2021 Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
Optical filters

Tunable filters


Infrared cameras

Infrared imaging

Bandpass filters

Image filtering


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