17 February 2023 Saliency and superpixel improved detection and segmentation of concealed objects for passive terahertz images
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Application of passive terahertz imaging in concealed weapon detection has been looked at, such that the final result is the segmentation of the foreground concealed weapons from the rest of the background. For the same, a fully automatic and completely generic technique, without any learning, has been proposed. It was observed that a simple thresholding step, exploiting varied intensity bands of the tetrahertz images is not enough. Thus, an innovative method to isolate humans and thus improve the region of interest (ROI) has been proposed. Thereafter, saliency has been used to further improve ROI, as these images are quite noisy and the central focusing aspect of saliency could handle the noise around the concealed weapons. It was observed that this step could handle the noise around the concealed weapons but degraded the boundaries of the concealed weapons. To further improve boundary adherence, superpixels are used. Finally, results are evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively and outperformed the traditional approach.

© 2023 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Sushmita Chandel, Gaurav Bhatnagar, and Marcin Kowalski "Saliency and superpixel improved detection and segmentation of concealed objects for passive terahertz images," Optical Engineering 62(2), 023101 (17 February 2023). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.62.2.023101
Received: 1 November 2022; Accepted: 10 January 2023; Published: 17 February 2023
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Image segmentation


Terahertz radiation

Object detection


Optical engineering

Machine learning

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