Dr. Alessandro Berton
at MPI für Astronomie
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (6)

Proceedings Article | 28 June 2006 Paper
Kjetil Dohlen, Jean-Luc Beuzit, Markus Feldt, David Mouillet, Pascal Puget, Jacopo Antichi, Andrea Baruffolo, Pierre Baudoz, Alessandro Berton, Anthony Boccaletti, Marcel Carbillet, Julien Charton, Riccardo Claudi, Mark Downing, Christophe Fabron, Philippe Feautrier, Enrico Fedrigo, Thierry Fusco, Jean-Luc Gach, Raffaele Gratton, Norbert Hubin, Markus Kasper, Maud Langlois, Andy Longmore, Claire Moutou, Cyril Petit, Johan Pragt, Patrick Rabou, Gerard Rousset, Michel Saisse, Hans-Martin Schmid, Eric Stadler, Daphne Stamm, Massimo Turatto, Rens Waters, Francois Wildi
Proceedings Volume 6269, 62690Q (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.671537
KEYWORDS: Coronagraphy, Stars, Adaptive optics, Optical spheres, Planets, Sensors, Iterated function systems, Polarimetry, Cameras, Polarization

Proceedings Article | 27 June 2006 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6269, 626960 (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.674651
KEYWORDS: Iterated function systems, Speckle, Point spread functions, Planets, Diffraction, Lenses, Speckle pattern, Exoplanets, Adaptive optics, Telescopes

Proceedings Article | 25 October 2004 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5490, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.550470
KEYWORDS: Planets, Stars, Adaptive optics, Signal to noise ratio, Speckle, Point spread functions, Device simulation, Spectrographs, Planetary systems, Spectral resolution

Proceedings Article | 25 October 2004 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5490, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.550883
KEYWORDS: Adaptive optics, Sensors, Wavefronts, Spatial filters, Wavefront sensors, Point spread functions, Calibration, Condition numbers, Actuators, Computer simulations

Proceedings Article | 25 October 2004 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5490, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.550328
KEYWORDS: Point spread functions, Stars, Device simulation, Adaptive optics, Planets, Exoplanets, Telescopes, Wavefronts, Speckle, Sensors

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