This work is devoted to studying the efficiency of excitation and support of waveguide modes for a non-Hermitian optical system consisting of two thin optically coupled subwavelength periodic structures. Excitation modes of various modes were studied depending on the angle of incidence of the exciting field for the visible and near-IR ranges for TE and TM polarizations. The possibilities of excitation of single-mode regimes with high field localization in thin subwavelength structures, as well as regime of hybridization modes, have been studied. The excitation modes of the unidirectional waveguide mode, when linearly polarized light (TM) is incident on an optically coupled system of two subwavelength periodic structures, have been separately studied. We analyzed the Q-factors for various permittivity modulation profiles, as well as the features of the eigenstates of the system under consideration, and studied the behavior of the system near exceptional points, which can be effectively used to control the switching of waveguide modes. Research was carried out, in particular, for AlGaAs/GaAs lattices, for which a decrease in the thickness of the active region leads to a decrease in the optical confinement factor and a decrease in the lasing threshold.
The paper investigates the resonances of reflection (transmission) of a structure consisting of two optically coupled subwavelength silicon rectangular diffraction gratings, separated by a layer of optically transparent dielectric. The considered structure combines gain, loss and optical coupling coefficient of the periodic structure to effectively operate in parity-time symmetry mode. The spectral characteristics of the resonant reflection (transmission) of the metastructure are analyzed both in PT-symmetry mode and when switching the system to broken PT-symmetry mode. The advantages and disadvantages of using optical parity-time symmetry to control resonant reflection (transmission) for TM- and TEpolarized light incidence are demonstrated. It is shown that changing the relative arrangement of the gain and loss gratings with respect to the incident signal field significantly affects the ratio of transmission and reflection coefficients. All results are obtained considering the dispersion of the materials used.
The purpose of this study is to develop an optical inclination angle sensor using a metasurface as a scale. We propose to use the dependence of the reflection or transmission spectrum of the metasurface on the direction of light incident on it to measure the inclination angle. The disadvantages of this approach when using the simplest completely passive metasurfaces are considered. In particular, the use of bulky devices to scan the spectrum of the structure. As an alternative, the possibility of using metasurfaces with parity-time-symmetry properties to measure the inclination angle is proposed and investigated. Then no spectrum scanning of the metasurface is required to perform inclination angle measurements. As an example, a metastructure formed by two optically coupled subwavelength diffraction gratings (one of which is characterized by losses, and the other by gain) with a rectangular stroke profile is considered. The study is based on computer modeling by the finite element method.
The article describes an optical response of metastructure consisted of two optically coupled resonant subwavelength rectangular - profile diffraction gratings, between which a layer of optically transparent dielectric was placed. The features of optical resonance transmittance and reflectance for optical PT-symmetry mode was numerical investigated and some advantages of using optical PT-symmetry for resonance transmittance (reflectance) improving was demonstrated. The spectral characteristics of the metastructure change when the pumping level changes and when the system switches from the optical parity-time-symmetry mode to the broken parity-time-symmetry mode were analyzed too.
The article presents a study of the dependence of the change in the shape of the resonance transmission line for optical thin dielectric gratings. The result of changing the duty cycle for high and low medium contrast while maintaining the amount of substance has been demonstrated. The results of the effect of the filling factor on the resonance transmission width and the frequency position in the normal TE wave drop are numerically investigated. Results for various options of a angles of the falling bunch at various coefficients of filling are presented. The effect of refractive index contrast of this structure on the width and shape of resonance lines was analyzed. In the first approximation, effective refractive indices and effective thicknesses for such structures were calculated. Conclusions are drawn about the conditions under which the structure can be considered optically thin.
To date, many works devoted to the influence of grazing angle on the spectral properties of nanostructured metasurfaces have been published. In this case, the dependence of the spectrum on grazing angle was previously considered within the framework of solving filtering problems, for example: constructing tunable optical filters based on metasurfaces; development of a bandpass filter with characteristics that are minimally dependent on the angle of incidence of light (angular tolerant color filter), etc. We propose to use the described property of nanostructured metasurfaces for solution of an inverse problem – determination of light incidence angle from the change in the metasurface spectral response. It will provide no-contact determination of an inclination angle of an object, on which the metasurface is installed; it is a step towards creating a miniature and accurate angle sensor. We consider the idea of using metasurfaces to measure inclination angles of objects on the basis of dielectric subwavelength gratings using computer simulation. We also analyze the possibility of simultaneous measurement of rotations (inclination angles) along two orthogonal axes using the same nanostructured metasurface.
For many years, computer modeling program used for lecture demonstrations. Most of the existing commercial software,
such as Virtual Lab, LightTrans GmbH company are quite expensive and have a surplus capabilities for educational
tasks. The complexity of the diffraction demonstrations in the near zone, due to the large amount of calculations required
to obtain the two-dimensional distribution of the amplitude and phase. At this day, there are no demonstrations, allowing
to show the resulting distribution of amplitude and phase without much time delay. Even when using Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithms diffraction calculation speed in the near zone for the input complex amplitude distributions
with size more than 2000 × 2000 pixels is tens of seconds. Our program selects the appropriate propagation operator
from a prescribed set of operators including Spectrum of Plane Waves propagation and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld
propagation (using convolution). After implementation, we make a comparison between the calculation time for the near
field diffraction: calculations made on GPU and CPU, showing that using GPU for calculations diffraction pattern in
near zone does increase the overall speed of algorithm for an image of size 2048×2048 sampling points and more. The
modules are implemented as separate dynamic-link libraries and can be used for lecture demonstrations, workshops, selfstudy
and students in solving various problems such as the phase retrieval task.
The oriented microporous polypropylene film membranes have been prepared in the process based on the melt extrusion. Functional characteristics of the membranes (permeability, overall porosity, sizes of pores) were controlled by the parameters of the preparation process. The samples had a well-developed porous structure and contained a through flow channels. The structure of the films was investigated by laser light scattering in dependence on the orientation degree. Light scattering patterns have been obtained using a low-energy He-Ne laser with the power of 5 mW and the wavelength of 633 nm. The optical setup also included the beam-forming system, and the detection unit connected to a PC. To detect the light scattering pattern, a lens less CCD-camera was used. The scattering patterns have a developed speckle structure, and, therefore, to simplify further studies, intensity should be averaged over a sufficiently large number of patterns using a special computer program. These scattering patterns are characterized by a specific type of symmetry and differ from any patterns typical for oriented crystallizable polymers. It is found that similar patterns are observed for all porous samples regardless of their orientation degree. The size of central maximum of the scattering pattern is dependent on the polymer film orientation degree. The results correlate well with the dependence of the porous films overall porosity on orientation degree.
This paper discusses theoretical and experimental results of the investigation of light beams that retain their intensity structure during propagation and focusing. Spiral laser beams are a family of laser beams that preserve the structural stability up to scale and rotation with the propagation. Properties of spiral beams are of practical interest for laser technology, medicine and biotechnology. Researchers use a spiral beams for movement and manipulation of microparticles. Functionality laser manipulators can be significantly enhanced by using spiral beams whose intensity remains invariable. It is well known, that these beams has non-zero orbital angular momentum. Spiral beams have a complicated phase distribution in cross section. In this paper we investigate the structural stability of the laser beams having a spiral phase structure by passing them through an inhomogeneous phase medium. Laser beam is passed through a medium is characterized by a random distribution of phase in the range 0..2π. The modeling was performed using VirtualLab 5.0 (manufacturer LightTrans GmbH). Compared the intensity distribution of the spiral and ordinary laser beam after the passage of the inhomogeneous medium. It is shown that the spiral beams exhibit a significantly better structural stability during the passage phase heterogeneous environments than conventional laser beams. The results obtained in the simulation are tested experimentally. Experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical results.
In this paper the analysis and comparison of diffraction spectra of amplitude-phase type fractal screens are presented. Amplitude-phase type fractal screens based on well-known fractals, possess exact or statistical self-similarity, but have managed amplitude transmittance and phase shift. Modeling results show that diffraction spectrum of amplitude-phase type fractal screens possess prevailing power of high frequencies in comparison with spectra of fractal structures with binary transmittance and phase shift. Averaging scattering indicatrices for fractal screens with different parameters are presented. The problem of phase retrieval arises in various fields of science and engineering, including electron microscopy, biology, crystallography, astronomy, and optical imaging. At presence there is a great number of phase retrieval methods without reference wave based on iterative algorithms and additional intensity distribution registration. In this paper we propose the new phase retrieval method with using amplitude-phase type fractal screens.
In this paper we propose the new method of nondestructive checking, based on application of the complex fractal masks with fractal amplitude part and spiral phase distribution photographed through the objects under study. Coherent optical image processing of the fractal masks allow to receive the separate information about components of the refractive index gradient and phase discontinuities. The power of high spatial frequencies of the fractal mask spectrum is ten times greater in comparison with spectrum of regular mask. The analysis of results of the inverse Fourier transform of the distorted spectrum of regular and fractal masks shows that the fractal mask with spiral phase distribution is more sensitive and allows obtain more precisely the value of distortion of the initial object.
Spiral laser beams is a family of laser beams that preserve the structural stability up to scale and rotate with the propagation. Properties of spiral beams are of practical interest for laser technology, medicine and biotechnology. Researchers use a spiral beams for movement and manipulation of microparticles. Spiral beams have a complicated phase distribution in cross section. This paper describes the results of analytical and computer simulation of Hermite-Gaussian beams with self-forming spiral phase distribution. In the simulation used a laser beam consisting of the sum of the two modes HG TEMnm and TEMn1m1. The coefficients n1, n, m1, m were varied. Additional phase depending from the coefficients n, m, m1, n1 imposed on the resulting beam. As a result, formed the Hermite Gaussian beam phase distribution which takes the form of a spiral in the process of distribution. For modeling was used VirtualLab 5.0 (manufacturer LightTrans GmbH).
In this paper the modificated method of calculation of fractal dimension is described. The method is based on effective
averaging procedure and deals with the number of fractal generation levels. The existing methods of calculation of
fractal dimension need the information about structure factor or scaling factor, which are generally unknown for real
The offered algorithm of calculation fractal dimensions allows to calculate fractal dimension of object with a relative
error less than 1%. Thus for calculation of dimension there is no necessity to reveal the factor of structure and scaling
factor. The method was checked on the wide range of two-dimensional fractals with exact self-similarity and different
values of fractal dimension.
The new type of diffraction fractal elements is presented and optical fields properties, obtained from these
elements are discussed. Fractal diffraction elements based on well-known fractals, possess exact or statistical selfsimilarity,
but have managed amplitude transmittance and phase shift, which are correlated with fractal spatial
characteristics. The fractal dimension is not enough for these objects description, and the correlation coefficient between
phase/amplitude and spatial characteristic is needed. For this reason the fractal objects were called multifractal structures
It is shown that the MFS diffraction spectrum possess prevailing power of high frequencies in comparison with
spectra of regular two-dimensional or fractal structures with binary transmittance and phase shift. This property could be
applied for spatial filtering and transparent objects phase heterogeneities detection. Modeling results for different MFS
types are presented and it is shown that MFS application allows detecting the value of initial object distortion with high
accuracy. The description of fractal zone plates (FraZP) with variable transmittance and/or phase shift is also presented.
The results of Fresnel diffraction modeling from FraZPs with MFS show that the correlation coefficient value has
influence on the focal point position.
KEYWORDS: Fractal analysis, Zone plates, Computer simulations, Near field diffraction, Diffraction, Chromatic aberrations, Numerical modeling, Opacity, Wave plates, Binary data
The article describes the results of analytical and computer simulation of Fresnel diffraction from phase-type
zone plates with fractal structure. The focusing properties of phase-type fractal zone plates (FZP) with
different fractal dimension and phase depth are studied. It is shown that the axial irradiance exhibits selfsimilarity
properties with additional focal points. It is demonstrated that FZPs reduce chromatic aberrations
under white-light illumination. In addition, for the first time the FZPs with variable phase depth are presented.
It is shown that axial irradiance and position of principal focus depend on these parameters.
In this paper we propose the new method of nondestructive checking, based on application of the fractal
masks photographed through the objects under study. Coherent optical image processing of the fractal
masks allow to receive the separate information about components of the refractive index gradient and phase
The power of high spatial frequencies of the fractal mask spectrum is three times greater in comparison
with spectrum of regular mask. The analysis of results of the inverse Fourier transform of the distorted spectrum
of regular and fractal masks shows that the fractal mask is more sensitive and allows to obtain the value
of distortion of the initial object more precisely.
The basic principles and detailed description of the controllable optical laboratory of a new type are reported. The laboratory is based on a modular principle and enabled to mount and adjust any optical scheme (geometrical or wave) in short time. The scheme not only linear, but also ramified, practically of any grade of complexity. The laboratory training works can be carried out in several modes: from usual hand-operated with readout of distances and angles on scales and limbs up to completely controlled IBM PC with digital processing of received one-coordinate distributions (received with photo diodes) or digital optical images (by means CCD-camera).
The set of equipment comprises optical component manufacturing with use of photolithography technology (such as slits, apertures, disks, one-dimensional and two-dimensional, regular and chaotic structures, zone plates, etc.) and compactly placed on a common photo pattern.
The laboratory equipment is supplied with the software including the guide - programs realizating the laboratory training works, test programs of the control of knowledge and simulating programs allowing to expand an opportunity of real physical experiment. The software is made as the original WINDOWS-applications.
KEYWORDS: Light scattering, Polymer thin films, Polymers, Manufacturing, Process control, Liquids, CCD cameras, Power supplies, Dynamical systems, Control systems
During a few years the microporous polymeric films are widely used in the various practical purposes, such as a filtration and a separation of liquid mixes as well as the separation material in chemical power supply. As a result of the our experimental researches the dependence between the parameters of the technological process of manufactures of these films and their light scattering properties was found. Knowledge of this dependence make it possible to construct the systems of a dynamic control of technological process of manufacture of the microporous polymeric films.
The computer simulation results are reported for coherent light scattering by a microporous polyethylene film membrane. As an object for the analysis a SEM photographic picture of the membrane was used. For simulation, a calculation algorithm of a 2D Fast Fourier Transform was used. The binary approximation as well as amplitude and phase-amplitude approximations of the transmission function were taken. The obtained results were compared with the scattering pictures taken by means of a CCD-camera from the same membrane. The simulation results were found to be in a good agreement with the actual structure of the microporous film.
The structural investigations at each stage of the structure formation process--melt extrusion, annealing, and uniaxial extension--have been carried out for polyethylene microporous samples by light scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering, and birefringence techniques. The birefringence values (Delta) n have been calculated from the angular dependences of the transmitted polarized light intensity. The dependences of (Delta) n on the orientation degree (lambda) have been obtained. The basic characteristics of the crystalline structure and their changes at each stage of the process have been determined by the X-ray technique. Light scattering pictures have been obtained for microporous films using a laser with the wavelength of 633 nm. These pictures are characterized by a specific type of symmetry and differ from any patterns typical for oriented crystallizable polymers. It is found that similar pictures are observed for all porous samples regardless of their orientation degree. So it is possible to make a conclusion that the characteristic size calculated from the light scattering patterns may be regarded as one of the main topological parameters describing the disposition of pores as the scattering elements.
The description of experimental installation for investigation fractal structure of dental tissues light scattering is presented. The installation includes light source (He-Ne laser), beam transformer based on microlens array, light polarization control unit and registrating device (which represented computer interfaced CCD-camera). The experimental installation provides the estimation of different kinds of light scattering in the enamel and dentin. The joint computer processing of images corresponding to different states light polarization allows us to separate the effects of light scattering caused by different scattering object as well as by relief junctions. The results of research may be useful for dental restorations, because fractal dimension defined adhesion properties of dentin.
We describe recent advances in the development of the original software for studying optics on the General Physics level. Two types of Windows software are reported: the guide-programs for simulation the basic optical experiments and the multichoice test-programs for teachers (to create tests) and for students (to check their knowledge). Application of guide-programs combined with image-files from CCD-camera is presented in two modes; with real equipment and simulation with empirical data- files. The testing system uses GRE approach and accompanied a lot of pictures with main optical circuits or charts. Some illustrations with real screen views for basic optical phenomena are presented.
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