A. Kritcher, D. Schlossberg, C. Weber, C. Young, E. Dewald, A. Zylstra, O. Hurricane, A. Allen, B. Bachmann, K. Baker, S. Baxamusa, T. Braun, G. Brunton, D. Callahan, D. Casey, T. Chapman, C. Choate, D. Clark, J.-M. Di Nicola, L. Divol, M. Edwards, S. Haan, T. Fehrenbach, S. Hayes, D. Hinkel, M. Hohenberger, K. Humbird, O. Jones, E. Kur, B. Kustowski, C. Kong, O. Landen, D. Larson, X. Lepro-Chavez, J. Lindl, B. MacGowan, S. Maclaren, M. Marinak, M. Millot, A. Nikroo, R. Nora, A. Pak, P. Patel, J. Ralph, M. Ratledge, M. Rubery, S. Sepke, M. Stadermann, D. Strozzi, T. Suratwala, R. Tommasini, R. Town, B. Woodworth, B. Van Wonterghem, C. Wild
An exciting use of high powered lasers is to inertially confine fusion plasmas in the laboratory. This presentation describes the first design to achieve controlled fusion target gain exceeding one using high powered lasers in the inertial confinement fusion approach and recent experimental results on the NIF (National Ignition Facility). In these experiments, laser beams incident on the inside of a cylindrical can (Hohlraum) generates an intense x-ray radiation bath that is used to spherically implode pellets containing Deuterium and Tritium. On Dec 5th 2022, the imploded pellet generated more fusion energy (3.15 MJ) than laser energy incident on the target (2.05 MJ), reaching a milestone for the field that was more than six decades in the making. Follow on experiments in this platform using 2.2 MJ of laser energy have generated >5 MJ and >2x target gain.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a 192-beam laser operated as an experimental facility to support its science-based stockpile stewardship program. The facility delivers up to 1.9 MJ UV energy to targets creating temperatures
and pressures only found at the center of stars. The facility routinely conducts experiments
supporting inertial confinement fusion, high energy density stockpile science, national security
applications, and fundamental science. In this talk we will review how complex high energy density
experiments are planned and performed in the world’s largest laser facility including configuring
and aligning the lasers, the target experimental systems and the diagnostics. We will show the
measures we take to safely conduct experiments that create extreme neutron fluxes.
This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344-ABS-LLNL-ABS-815547
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory contains a 192-beam 4.2 MJ neodymium glass laser (around 1053 nm or 1w) that is frequency converted to 351nm light or 3w. It was built to access the extreme high energy density conditions needed to support the nation’s nuclear stockpile in the absence of further underground nuclear tests, including studying Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) and ignition in the laboratory.
Over the last year, important results have been obtained demonstrated a fusion yield of 1.35MJ with 1.9MJ of laser energy (and 440 TW power) injected in the target, bringing the NIF to the threshold of ignition [2-3]. As the yield curve near ignition is steep, the laser performance team has focused on providing improved power accuracy and precision (better shot-to-shot reproducibility) with a high-fidelity pulse shaping system (HiFiPS), and also on extending the NIF operating power and energy space by 15% to 2.2MJ and 500TW.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory contains a
192-beam 4.2 MJ neodymium glass laser (around 1053 nm or 1w) that is frequency converted to
351nm light or 3w. It has been designed to support the study of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
and High Energy Density Physics (HEDP). The NIF Precision Diagnostic System (PDS) was reactivated and new
diagnostic packages were designed and fielded that offer a more comprehensive suite
of high-resolution measurements. The current NIF laser performance will be presented as well as the preliminary results obtained with the various laser experimental campaigns using the new diagnostic tool suites.
This talk will provide an overview of high power laser research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). It will discuss the status of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser. In addition, the talk will describe other laser development activities such as the development of high average power lasers and novel fiber lasers.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) has been in service since 2007 and operating with > 1 MJ energies since 2009. During this time the facility has transitioned to become an international user facility and increased the shot rate from ~150 target shots per year to greater than 400 shots per year. Today, the NIF plays an essential role in the US Stockpile Stewardship Program, providing data under the extreme conditions needed to validate computer models and train the next generation of stockpile stewards. Recent upgrades include the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC), a high energy short pulse laser used to do high resolution radiography.
In addition to the NIF, this talk will include an overview of progress on the high average power laser development, recent results from fiber laser development activities and improvements to laser design and computational capabilities.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a 192 beam Nd-glass laser facility presently under construction at LLNL. When completed, NIF will produce 1.8 MJ, 500 TW of ultraviolet light making it the world's largest and most powerful laser system. NIF will be the world's preeminent facility for performing experiments for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) and High Energy Density Science (HEDS). The Project, begun in 1995, is over 80% complete. The building and the beam path are essentially complete. Nearly all of the functionality of the laser subsystems has been demonstrated. NIF has demonstrated on a single beam basis that it meets its performance goals and shown the laser's precision and flexibility for pulse shaping, pointing, and timing. Beam conditioning techniques, important for target performance, were also demonstrated. The focal spot can be tailored to user specifications using phase plates. Temporal smoothing using smoothing by spectral dispersion (SSD) as well as polarization smoothing was demonstrated. The remaining work is mostly to complete the optics and install them in the beam path and complete the utilities. Presently, eight beams have been activated through the amplifiers and spatial filters to the switchyard wall. Over 150 kJ of 1ω light has been produced with just 4% of the NIF capacity activated. The Project is scheduled for completion in 2009 and plans have been developed to begin ignition experiments in 2010. This talk will provide NIF status, the plan to complete NIF, and the path to ignition.
The National Ignition Facility at LLNL recently commissioned the first set of four beam lines into the target chamber. This effort, called NIF Early Light, demonstrated the entire laser system architecture from master oscillator through the laser amplifiers and final optics to target and initial X-ray diagnostics. This paper describes the major installation and commissioning steps for one of NIF's 48 beam quads. Using a dedicated single beam line Precision Diagnostic System, performance was explored over the entire power versus energy space up to 6.4 TW/beam for sub-nanosecond pulses and 25 kJ/beam for 23 ns pulses at 1w. NEL also demonstrated frequency converted Nd:Glass laser energies from a single beamline of 11.3 kJ at 2w and 10.4 kJ at 3w.
We have measured the wavefront and the divergence of the Beamlet prototype laser under a variety of conditions. Emphasis of the tests was on quantifying best attainable divergence in the angular regime below 30 (mu) rad to benchmark propagation models that are used to set wavefront gradient specifications for NIF optical components. Performance with and without active wavefront correction was monitored with radial shearing interferometers that measured near-field wavefront at the input and output of the main amplifier with a spatial resolution of 1 cm, and cameras which measured the corresponding intensity distributions in the far field with an angular resolution of 0.3 (Mu) rad. Details of the measurements are discussed and related to NIF focal spot requirements and optics specifications.
The compact multi-pass laser design and the extensive use of optical component assemblies as line replaceable units are essential to achieve the cost efficiency of the NIF design. These design philosophies require a new approach to start-up operation of the NIF 192-beam-line high-energy laser compared to existing fusion laser facilities. The limited access on the beam-line optics and the limited on-line verification and maintenance capability require that extensive component verification and alignment takes place in off-line facilitates before the LRU's are installed in the laser structure.
Beamlet is a single beamline, nearly full scale physics prototype of the 192 beam Nd:Glass laser driver of the National Ignition Facility. It is used to demonstrate laser performance of the NIF multipass amplifier architecture. Initial system characterization tests have all been performed at pulse durations less than 10 ns. Pinhole closure and modulation at the end of long pulses are a significant concern for the operation of NIF. We recently demonstrated the generation, amplification and propagation of high energy pulses temporally shaped to mimic 20 ns long ignition pulse shapes at fluence levels exceeding the nominal NIF design requirements for Inertial Confinement Fusion by Indirect Drive. We also demonstrated the effectiveness of a new conical pinhole design used in the transport spatial filter to mitigate plasma closure effects and increase closure time to exceed the duration of the 20 ns long pulse.
Charles Barker, Jerome Auerbach, Chris Adams, Stanley Bumpas, R. Hibbard, Catherine Lee, D. Roberts, Jack Campbell, Paul Wegner, Bruno Van Wonterghem, John Caird
KEYWORDS: Crystals, Laser crystals, National Ignition Facility, Harmonic generation, Crystallography, Frequency converters, Error analysis, Near field optics, Frequency conversion, Energy conversion efficiency
A preliminary error budget for the third harmonic converter for the National Ignition Facility laser driver has been developed using a root-sum-square-accumulation of error sources. Such a budget sets an upper bound on the allowable magnitude of the various effects that reduce conversion efficiency. Development efforts on crystal mounting technology and crystal quality studies are discussed.
Experiments and calculations indicate that the threshold pressure in spatial filters for distortion of a transmitted pulse scales approximately as I-0.2 and (F#)2 over the intensity range from 1014 to 2 X 1015 W/cm2. We also demonstrated an interferometric diagnostic that will be used to measure the scaling relationships governing pinhole closure in spatial filters.
Mark Henesian, P. Renard, Jerome Auerbach, John Caird, B. Ehrlich, Steven Haney, John Hunt, Janice Lawson, Kenneth Manes, David Milam, Richard Sacks, Lynn Seppala, I. Smith, David Speck, Calvin Thompson, Bruno Van Wonterghem, Paul Wegner, Timothy Weiland, C. Clay Widmayer, Wade Williams, John Trenholme
An exhaustive set of Beamlet and Nova laser system simulations were performed over a wide range of power levels in order to gain understanding about the statistical trends in Nova and Beamlet's experimental data sets, and to provide critical validation of propagation tools and design `rules' applied to the 192-arm National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
The laser wavefront of the NIF Beamlet demonstration system is corrected for static aberrations with a wavefront control system. The system operates closed loop with a probe beam prior to a shot and has a loop bandwidth of about 3 Hz. However, until recently the wavefront control system was disabled several minutes prior to the shot to allow time to manually reconfigure its attenuators and probe beam insertion mechanism to shot mode. Thermally-induced dynamic variations in gas density in the Beamlet main beam line produce significant wavefront error.
KEYWORDS: Crystals, National Ignition Facility, Near field, Frequency converters, Prototyping, Diagnostics, Modulation, Spatial filters, Near field optics, Laser crystals
The Beamlet laser is a nearly full-scale, single-aperture prototype of the driver design for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). As part of a test and validation plan for the NIF design, Beamlet was recently equipped with final focusing optics and diagnostics for the purpose of evaluating integrated component performance and equivalent target-plane irradiance conditions at the 0.351-micrometers output wavelength specified for NIF targets. A 37-cm aperture two- crystal converter scheme generates the third harmonic of the Nd:glass 1.053-micrometers wavelength with high efficiency. The efficiency of the converter has been characterized and is reported, along with detailed measurements of the near-field and far-field UV irradiance distributions at operating conditions up to and exceeding red-line levels for the NIF. Dependences of observed beam quality on critical laser parameters including output power, B-integral, and spatial filtering are discussed and compared with numerical simulations.
The performance of the Beamlet laser with 1D SSD implemented is investigated. Simulations indicate that the critical issue for laser performance is the amount of additional divergence owing to SSD in comparison to the size of the spatial filter pinholes. At the current +/- 200 (mu) rad pinholes used on Beamlet, simulations indicate that the levels of SSD divergence anticipated for the National Ignition Facility results in a very slight degradation to the near field beam quality. Experiments performed with the Beamlet front end show no degradation to the near field beam with up to 100 (mu) rad of SSD divergence. MEasurements of the smoothing of a far field speckle pattern generated by a phase plate show the expected improvement in contrast with increasing amounts of SSD divergence.
KEYWORDS: National Ignition Facility, Optical amplifiers, Cladding, Thermography, Temperature metrology, Helium, Nitrogen, 3D modeling, Lamps, Near field optics
The issue of thermal recovery of the NIF amplifiers has taken on increased emphasis as program goals move toward increasing the shot rate to once every four hours. This paper addresses the technical issues associated with achieving thermal recovery in the NIF amplifiers. We identify two temperature related thermal recovery quantities: (1) the difference between the average slab temperature and the temperature of other surfaces in the amplifier cavity, and (2) the temperature difference in the slab over the aperture. The first quantity relates to optical disturbances in the gas columns in the system, while the second quantity is associated with optical aberrations in the laser media itself. Calculations and experiments are used to quantify recovery criteria, and develop cooling approaches. The cooling approaches discussed are (1) active cooling of the flashlamps with ambient gas and chilled gas, and (2) active cooling of the slab edge cladding. Calculations indicate that the NIF baseline cooling approach of 20 cfm per lamp ambient temperature gas flow in both the central and side flashlamp cassettes is capable of meeting thermal recovery requirements for an 8 hour shot period, while to achieve a 4 hour shot period requires use of chilled gas and edge cladding cooling. In addition, the effect of changing the amplifier cavity and beamtube fill gas from nitrogen to helium is addressed, showing that a factor of 8 reduction in the sensitivity to thermal disturbances is possible.
The effect of a change in the system parameters upon the one micron laser's power, energy and beam quality will be discussed. The parameters varied in the study were the optical losses, the gain and gain profile of the amplifiers. Additionally, the effect upon power, energy and beam quality as a function of slab count and position will be presented.
We present initial performance studies for beamlet, a single-beam prototype for megajoule- class neodymium-glass laser fusion drivers using a multipass main amplifier, adaptive optics, and efficient, high-fluence conversion to the third harmonic. The beamlet final amplifier uses Brewsters-angle glass slabs with a square 39 by 39 cm2 aperture and a full-aperture plasma-electrode Pockels cell switch. The laser has been tested at the fundamental wavelength over a range of pulselengths from 1 - 10 ns up to energies of 5.8 kJ at 1 ns and 17.3 kJ at 10 ns at a beam area of 35 by 35 cm2. A 39-actuator deformable mirror system corrects the beam to a Strehl ratio of 0.4.
The activation of a full scale single beam prototype of a multipass amplifier cavity based fusion class laser has been completed. A 35 multiplied by 35 cm2 beam is amplified during four passes through an 11 slab long amplifier in a cavity, and is switched out using a full aperture Pockels cell and polarizer. Further amplification is achieved in a five slab long booster amplifier, before being frequency tripled by a Type I/Type II frequency converter. We present initial performance results of this laser system, called Beamlet. At 1 omega, energies up to 17.3 kJ have been generated in a 10 ns pulse, and frequency tripled beams up to 8.3 kJ in a 3 ns pulse.
Using adaptive optics we have obtained nearly diffraction-limited 5 kJ, 3 nsec output pulses at 1.053 micrometer from the Beamlet demonstration system for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). The peak Strehl ratio was improved from 0.009 to 0.50, as estimated from measured wavefront errors. We have also measured the relaxation of the thermally induced aberrations in the main beam line over a period of 4.5 hours. Peak-to-valley aberrations range from 6.8 waves at 1.053 micrometer within 30 minutes after a full system shot to 3.9 waves after 4.5 hours. The adaptive optics system must have enough range to correct accumulated thermal aberrations from several shots in addition to the immediate shot-induced error. Accumulated wavefront errors in the beam line will affect both the design of the adaptive optics system for NIF and the performance of that system.
Optical components of large-aperture, high irradiance and high fluence lasers can experience significant levels of stimulated scattering along their transverse dimensions. We have observed transverse stimulated Raman scattering in large aperture KDP crystals, and have measured the stimulated gain coefficient.
The Beamlet laser is a full-scale, single-aperture scientific prototype of the frequency-tripled Nd:glass laser for the proposed National Ignition Facility. At aperture sizes of 30 cm by 30 cm and 34 cm by 34 cm using potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals of 32 cm by 32 cm and 37 cm by 37 cm, respectively, we have obtained up to 8.3 kJ of third harmonic energy at 70% - 80% whole beam conversion efficiency.
KEYWORDS: Reflection, Antireflective coatings, Reflectivity, Near field optics, Laser systems engineering, Spatial filters, Mirrors, Diffraction, Laser amplifiers, National Ignition Facility
Reflections from lens surfaces create parasitic beams that can damage optics in high-powered laser systems. These parasitic beams are low in energy initially, because of the low reflectivity of antireflection (AR) coated lens surfaces and because they are clipped by spatial filter pinholes, but subsequent amplification can raise them to damage fluence levels. Also, some of the pencil beams in multipass laser systems become pre-pulses at the output by by-pass of one or more of the passes, arriving at the output ahead of the main pulse in time. They are insidious because pencil beams that are not initially a problem can become so due to a slow degradation of the AR coatings. Both the Nova and Beamlet laser systems at LLNL have had optics damaged by pencil beams. The best solution for pencil beams is to tip the lenses far enough to eliminate them altogether. This is the approach taken for the National Ignition Facility (NIF).
Detailed modeling of beam propagation in Beamlet has been made to predict system performance. New software allows extensive use of optical component characteristics. This inclusion of real optical component characteristics has resulted in close agreement between calculated and measured beam distributions.
Alan Wan, Juan Moreno, Brian MacGowan, Jeffrey Koch, Stephen Libby, Joseph Nilsen, Albert Osterheld, James Scofield, James Trebes, Bruno Van Wonterghem, Rosemary Walling
We will present experimental and theoretical characterizations of germanium line-focused and stripe x-ray lasers (XRLs). Key experimental parameters we will study include images of emission profiles of the laser blow-off, angular divergences, XRL output intensities, and ionization balances as we vary XRL designs. We will compare the experimental results with 2D laser deposition and hydrodynamics simulations using LASNEX, and study the changes in ionization balances and level populations from post-processing LASNEX results.
In order to demonstrate new technology for the proposed National Ignition Facility (NIF), we are currently building a 5-kilojoule laser called Beamlet. The oscillator and pulse shaping system for Beamlet represents a major technological improvement over previous designs. Using integrated optics, fiber optics, and diode-pumped lasers instead of bulk optics and flashlamp-pumped lasers, this new master oscillator takes advantage of current technology to make a system with numerous advantages. The requirements for a NIF for greater flexibility and reliability necessitate this new approach; the pulse-forming system for the Beamlet demonstrates a subset of the capabilities required for a NIF. For the Beamlet, we must produce a single 1 - 10 ns, shaped- and frequency-modulated pulse. The Beamlet needs only to generate square output pulses for technology demonstration purposes, but the input pulses must be shaped to compensate for gain saturation in the power amplifier. To prevent stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) from damaging the output optics, the output pulse must have some bandwidth, and thus the pulse-forming system phase modulates the input pulse. These requirements are very similar to those for the Nova master oscillator system, but Nova technology is not the best choice for the Beamlet. In developing an oscillator design for a fusion laser system, the system requirements are defined by the oscillator's place in the overall laser architecture. Both Nova and Beamlet use a master oscillator-power amplifier (MOPA) architecture. In a MOPA-laser architecture, a low-power oscillator is followed by a high-gain, high-power amplifier. If the output signal is to have a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the oscillator-signal power must be high above the amplifier noise power.
This paper describes the amplifier and beam shaping section of a new pulse generation system that will drive the Beamlet laser at LLNL. The master oscillator and pulse shaping system are described in an accompanying contribution [R. B. Wilcox ea., `Fusion Laser oscillator and pulse-forming system using integrated optics.', these proceedings]. A modified regenerative amplifier produces a gain of 109 to bring the oscillator pulses to the mJ- level. A serrated aperture and birefringent beam shaper produce a flat-topped square beam with high fill factor. A single four-passed Nd:glass rod amplifier provides sufficient gain to generate the desired 12 J output energy in a 3 nsec pulse with very small beam profile, wavefront and pulse shape distortion. We present a description of the system components, followed by a discussion of its performance, based upon over 150 full front end shots being completed since its assembly.
A nonlinear interferometer with phase conjugate mirrors was constructed to measure relative magnitude and phase of third order susceptibilities. This SWR-interferometer measured the third order susceptibilities of solutions of diphenylpolyenes (n = 1-4) in dichloroethane at 532 nm. The second hyperpolarizabilities derived from these susceptibilities are compared with the values obtained from electric field induced second harmonic generation at 1064 nm. The temporal behavior of the phase conjugated signals in the SWR-interferometer is analyzed for parallel and perpendicular polarization of the probe vs. pump laser pulses (5 nsec, 5 mJ). The role of this temporal behavior on the operation of the interferometer is assessed.
We have constructed a novel picosecond x-ray (PxR) source to be used for time resolved x-ray diffraction. The PxR source has a metallic photocathode from which photoemission is induced by ultraviolet picosecond laser.pulses. Electron bunches of over 3 nC have been produced with a tantalum photocathode excited by a frequency quadrupled pulsed modelocked Nd:YAG laser.The accelerated electron bunches strike a copper anode generating 6.2x106 Cu Ka x-ray photons cm-2.sr-1 with a time width of less than 70 ps. A high energy Nd:YLF regenerative amplified laser was constructed to increase the repetition rate of the source to 2 kHz. Several detection methods and experimental schemes for PxR diffraction are presented
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