The Wide Area Linear Optical Polarimeter North is an optical polarimeter designed for the needs of the Polar-Areas Stellar Imaging in Polarimetry High-Accuracy Experiment survey. It will be installed on the 1.3-m telescope at the Skinakas Observatory in Crete, Greece. After commissioning, it will measure the 30×30 arcmin2 polarization of millions of stars at high galactic latitude, aiming to measure hundreds of stars per square degree. The astronomical filter used in the instrument is a modified, polarimetrically neutral broadband Sloan Digital Sky Survey-r. This instrument will be a pioneering one due to its large field of view (FoV) of and high-accuracy polarimetry measurements. The accuracy and sensitivity of the instrument in polarization fraction will be at the 0.1% and 0.05% levels, respectively. Four separate 4k×4k charge-coupled devices will be used as the instrument detectors, each imaging one of the 0-, 45-, 90-, and 135-deg polarized FoV separately, therefore making the instrument a four-channel, one-shot polarimeter. Here, we present the overall optical design of the instrument, emphasizing the aspects of the instrument that are different from Wide Area Linear Optical Polarimeter South. We also present a customized design of filters appropriate for polarimetry along with details on the management of the instrument size and its polarimetric calibration.
KEYWORDS: Databases, Calibration, Polarizers, Observatories, CCD cameras, Control software, Web services, Control systems, Robotics, Internet imaging, Instrumentation control
The Wide-Area Linear Optical Polarimeters (WALOPs) are two instruments - WALOPNorth and WALOPSouth - that will be installed at the Skinakas and South African Astronomical Observatories respectively. Their goal is to work towards a polarimetric map of the Galaxy, for the needs of the PASIPHAE collaboration. The WALOP instruments, to be able to operate smoothly, require custom-made software to fit their (and the survey’s) specifications. We will present said software’s specifications and the methods and technologies used to meet these requirements.
Wide-Area Linear Optical Polarimeter (WALOP)-South is the first wide-field and survey-capacity polarimeter in the optical wavelengths. On schedule for commissioning in 2024, it will be mounted on the 1 m SAAO telescope in Sutherland Observatory, South Africa to undertake the PASIPHAE sky survey. PASIPHAE program will create the first polarimetric sky map in the optical wavelengths, spanning more than 2000 square degrees of the southern Galactic region. In a single exposure, WALOP-South’s innovative design will enable it to measure the linear polarization (Stokes parameters q and u) of all sources in a field of view (FoV) of 35 × 35 arc-minutes-squared in the SDSS-r broadband and narrowband filters between 500-750 nm with 0.1 % polarization accuracy. The unique goals of the instrument place very stringent systems engineering goals, including on the performance of the optical, polarimetric, optomechanical, and electronic subsystems. In particular, the major technical hurdles for the project included the development of: (a) an optical design to achieve imaging quality PSFs across the FoV, (b) an optomechanical design to obtain high accuracy optical alignment in conjugation with minimal instrument flexure and stress birefringence on optics (which can lead to variable instrumental polarization), and (c) an on-sky calibration routine to remove the strong polarimetric cross-talk induced instrumental polarization to obtain 0.1% across the FoV. All the subsystems have been designed carefully to meet the overall instrument performance goals. As of May 2024, all the instrument optical and mechanical subsystems have been assembled and are currently getting tested and integrated. The complete testing and characterization of the instrument in the lab is expected to be completed by August 2024. While the instrument was initially scheduled for commissioning in 2022, it got delayed due to various technical challenges; WALOP-South is now on schedule for commissioning in second half of 2024. In this paper, we will present (a) the design and development of the entire instrument and its major subsystems, focusing the instrument’s opto-mechanical design which has not been reported before, and (b) assembly and integration of the instrument in the lab and early results from lab characterization of the instrument’s optical performance.
The Speckle Imager via MUlti Layer Atmospheric Turbulence Object Reconstructor (SIMULATOR) is a lab-based testbed instrument developed to test for speckle correlation-based techniques in the optical regime. However, this instrument can be used as a testbed against post-processing techniques or algorithms like lucky imaging, phase diversity method etc. The SIMULATOR can emulate 3D atmospheric turbulence behaviour using a three-layer turbulence screen, giving the user command over important site characteristics like wind profile, global fried parameter, global isoplanatic patch, mid-layer and high-layer height effects etc. This testbed is unique in that it can mimic a broad range of site and telescope characteristics accurately without the need for manual intervention or tuning of parameters. The current version can handle a Field of View (FoV) of up to 0.3°, bandwidth ranges from 4860 to 6560 nm and can cover atmospheric turbulence heights up to 83 km.
Two unique wide-field and high-accuracy polarimeters named WALOP (Wide-Area Linear Optical Polarimeter)- North and WALOP-South are currently under development at the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India, to create a large area optical polarization map of the sky for the upcoming PASIPHAE sky survey. These instruments are designed to achieve a linear polarimetric measurement accuracy of 0.1% across a field of view (FoV) of 30×30 arcminutes. The WALOP-South instrument will be installed first on a 1 m telescope at the Sutherland Observatory, where the temperatures during the night can vary between 10 to -5°C. These temperature variations and the instrument’s pointing to various non-zenithal positions in the sky can introduce stress birefringence in the lenses, leading to time-varying instrumental polarization. This work estimates stress-induced birefringence due to thermal, and gravity stresses on WALOP-South lenses. Using the optomechanical model of the WALOP-South, we carried out Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations in SolidWorks software to estimate the stresses for various scenarios of temperature, telescope pointing airmass, and lens mount material (aluminum and titanium). Further, we use the stress tensor analysis to estimate the principal stresses and their directions and consequent birefringence and retardance introduced in the lenses. The stressinduced birefringence will change the optical path length for orthogonal polarization states of the beam passing through the lenses and introduce phase retardation. Overall, with the lens mount design of the instrument, we find that the retardation and consequent instrumental polarization will be within the instrumental accuracy requirements. Additionally, the stress birefringence is found to be higher for aluminum compared to titanium mounts. We further incorporated this retardance in the instrument Mueller matrix estimation to understand its effects on the polarization measurements.
Devasthal Optical Telescope Integral Field Spectrograph (DOTIFS) is a new multi-object integral field spectrograph being built by the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India for the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope, (DOT). Spectrographs, which disperse the light to study various aspects of the source, traditionally follow long slit to enter the light into to the instrument. However, varying slit width, atmospheric dispersion, crowded object field etc, causes this approach to lose its efficiency. A 2D field access using optical fibres solves most of these issues and introduces additional modularity. However, the circular shape of the fibre tip causes light loss as the fill factor < 80 %. There are mainly two ways to solve these issues, one is with 2D field splicers which are usually mirrors which break the field and reflect the beams in different directions, the other a more convenient alternative is using micro lens arrays (MLA) coupled with optical fibres, increasing the fill factor < 90 %. Even with this advantage, the miss alignment of the optical fibre with the MLA can cause increase in optical entropy and hence loss of effective transmission. Therefore, making a precise fiber to micro-lenslet array holder is a necessity. In DOTIFS which uses a combination of MLA and fibers to transmit the light, the IFU unit of the spectrograph consist of fiber array held on a mask and glued to a micro lenslet array. The plano-convex MLA (PCMLA) forms a hexagonal honeycomb structure of 12×12 spaxels. The on-sky footprint of an IFU is designed to be 8.7”×7.4” for a spatial sampling of 0.8”/300µm. The PCMLA has a thickness of 2.32 mm to create the pupil at its flat surface where fibers would be butted to sample the pupil. Each microlens curved side will receive a f/21.486 beam from the magnifier optics assembly sitting between IFU assembly and the Cassegrain side port selection mirror of the telescope. The microlens converts the incoming beam from the magnifier to f/4.5 beam and creates an ideal pupil of 76µm diameter at its at back surface. In this paper we present deep reactive ion etching technique based fibre holder manufacturing for holding the fibres of IFU of DOTIFS spectrograph. We present the design details, fiber routing scheme, manufacturing and gluing and polishing concepts for fibre holder and the tests and results on the IFU deployment system.
The Wide-Area Linear Optical Polarimeter (WALOP)-South instrument will be mounted on the 1-m South African Astronomical Observatory telescope in South Africa as part of the Polar-Areas Stellar Imaging Polarization High Accuracy Experiment (PASIPHAE) program to carry out a linear imaging polarization survey of the Galactic polar regions in the optical band. Designed to achieve polarimetric sensitivity of 0.05% across a 35 × 35 arc min field of view (FOV), it will be capable of measuring the Stokes parameters I, q, and u in a single exposure in the R broadband and narrowband filters between 0.5 to 0.7 μm. For each measurement, four images of the full field corresponding to linear polarization angles of 0 deg, 45 deg, 90 deg, and 135 deg in the instrument coordinate system will be created on four detectors from which the Stokes parameters can be found using differential photometry. In designing the optical system, major challenges included correcting for the dispersion introduced by large split angle Wollaston prisms used as analysers and other aberrations from the entire field to obtain imaging quality point spread function (PSF) at the detector. We present the optical design of the WALOP-South instrument which overcomes these challenges and delivers near seeing limited PSFs for the entire FOV.
WALOP (Wide-Area Linear Optical Polarimeter)-South, to be mounted on the 1m SAAO telescope in South Africa, is first of the two WALOP instruments currently under development for carrying out the PASIPHAE survey. Scheduled for commissioning in the year 2021, the WALOP instruments will be used to measure the linear polarization of around 106 stars in the SDSS-r broadband with 0.1 % polarimetric accuracy, covering 4000 square degrees in the Galactic polar regions. The combined capabilities of one-shot linear polarimetry, high polarimetric accuracy (< 0.1 %) and polarimetric sensitivity (< 0.05 %), and a large field of view (FOV) of
35 35 arcminutes make WALOP-South a unique astronomical instrument. In a single exposure, it is designed to measure the Stokes parameters I, q and u in the SDSS-r broadband and narrowband filters between 500-700 nm. During each measurement, four images of the full field corresponding to the polarization angles of 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° will be imaged on four detectors and carrying out differential photometry on these images will yield the Stokes parameters. Major challenges in designing WALOP-South instrument include- (a) in the optical design, correcting for the spectral dispersion introduced by large split angle Wollaston Prisms used as polarization analyzers as well as aberrations from the wide field, and (b) making an optomechanical design adherent to the tolerances required to obtain good imaging and polarimetric performance under all temperature conditions as well as telescope pointing positions. We present the optical and optomechanical design for WALOP-South which
overcomes these challenges.
Robo-AO is the first robotic autonomous laser-guided adaptive optics (AO) system operating in the sky. It is a very economical AO system especially suitable for observations with 1- to 3-m class telescopes. A second Robo-AO system, which works both in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths, has been developed to improve the image quality of the 2-m diameter telescope at Inter-university Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Girawali Observatory in India. We present the optomechanical design and development of the Laser Guide Star Facility (LGSF) and the Cassegrain AO facility with various test results. Effects of different projection geometries of the LGSF have been discussed with modeling results. Comprehensive study of an atmospheric dispersion corrector with dispersion model and development of a generic software are elaborated with experimental results. Toward the end, AO loop test results in the presence of artificial turbulence generated in the laboratory are presented.
Atmospheric turbulence is gentle in the infrared regime than visible. Hence adaptive optics (AO) efficiently works in the infrared. The large overheads and low efficiency still limit the applicability of AO on large telescopes for which operational costs per unit time are high. On the other hand, small and medium-sized telescopes are many more in number, and their operational costs are substantially lower. A reasonably powerful AO system, which works with minimal overheads and provides good sky coverage, will greatly enhance the scientific capabilities of small and medium-sized telescopes. Robotic Adaptive Optics (Robo-AO) is an AO system for medium-sized telescopes which is built by Caltech, USA, and IUCAA, India collaboratively. It works with minimal overheads and provides good sky coverage in both visible and infrared regime. The first version of Robo-AO does not have a high-quality IR camera. An IR camera is being developed to accommodate AO-corrected 1.5 0 field of view in near-infrared bands. It can be used as a science camera as well as a tip-tilt camera. It is being built at IUCAA with a HAWAII detector. Here we describe the salient features of the IR camera like optics, optomechanical design, etc.
We present fore-optics and calibration unit design of Devasthal Optical Telescope Integral Field Spectrograph (DOTIFS). DOTIFS fore-optics is designed to modify the focal ratio of the light and to match its plate scale to the physical size of Integral Field Units (IFUs). The fore-optics also delivers a telecentric beam to the IFUs on the telescope focal plane. There is a calibration unit part of which is combined with the fore-optics to have a light and compact system. We use Xenon-arc lamp as a continuum source and Krypton/Mercury-Neon lamps as wavelength calibration sources. Fore-optics and calibration unit shares two optical lenses to maintain compactness of the overall subsystem. Here we present optical and opto-mechanical design of the calibration unit and fore-optics as well as calibration scheme of DOTIFS.
Devasthal Optical Telescope Integral Field Spectrograph (DOTIFS) is a new multi-Integral Field Unit (IFU) instrument, planned to be mounted on the 3.6m Devasthal optical telescope in Nainital, India. It has eight identical, fiber-fed spectrographs to disperse light coming from 16 IFUs. The spectrographs produce 2,304 spectra over a 370-740nm wavelength range simultaneously with a spectral resolution of R=1200-2400. It is composed of all-refractive, allspherical optics designed to achieve on average 26.0% throughput from the telescope to the CCD with the help of high transmission spectrograph optics, volume phase holographic grating, and graded coated e2v 2K by 4K CCD. We present the optical and opto-mechanical design of the spectrograph as well as current development status. Optics and optomechanical components for the spectrographs are being fabricated.
KEYWORDS: Space operations, Ultraviolet radiation, Space telescopes, Telescopes, Space telescopes, Solar processes, Sensors, X-ray imaging, Plasma, Ions, Magnetosphere
The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) is an instrument onboard the Aditya-L1 spacecraft, the first dedicated solar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which will be put in a halo orbit at the Sun-Earth Langrage point (L1). SUIT has an off-axis Ritchey–Chrétien configuration with a combination of 11 narrow and broad bandpass filters which will be used for full-disk solar imaging in the Ultravoilet (UV) wavelength range 200-400 nm. It will provide near simultaneous observations of lower and middle layers of the solar atmosphere, namely the Photosphere and Chromosphere. These observations will help to improve our understanding of coupling and dynamics of various layers of the solar atmosphere, mechanisms responsible for stability, dynamics and eruption of solar prominences and Coronal Mass ejections, and possible causes of solar irradiance variability in the Near and Middle UV regions, which is of central interest for assessing the Sun’s influence on climate.
Devasthal Optical Telescope Integral Field Spectrograph (DOTIFS) is a new multi-object Integral Field Spectrograph
(IFS) being designed and fabricated by the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune,
India, for the Cassegrain side port of the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope, (DOT) being constructed by the Aryabhatta
Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital. It is mainly designed to study the physics and
kinematics of the ionized gas, star formation and H II regions in the nearby galaxies. It is a novel instrument in terms of
multi-IFU, built in deployment system, and high throughput. It consists of one magnifier, 16 integral field units (IFUs),
and 8 spectrographs. Each IFU is comprised of a microlens array and optical fibers and has 7.4” x 8.7” field of view with
144 spaxel elements, each sampling 0.8” hexagonal aperture. The IFUs can be distributed on the telescope side port over
an 8’ diameter focal plane by the deployment system. Optical fibers deliver light from the IFUs to the spectrographs.
Eight identical, all refractive, dedicated spectrographs will produce 2,304 R~1800 spectra over 370-740nm wavelength
range with a single exposure. Volume Phase Holographic gratings are chosen to make smaller optics and get high
throughput. The total throughput of the instrument including the telescope is predicted as 27.5% on average. Observing
techniques, data simulator and reduction software are also under development. Currently, conceptual and baseline design
review has been done. Some of the components have already been procured. The instrument is expected to see its first
light in 2016.
A wavefront sensor which takes advantage of the moire deflectometry has been constructed for measuring atmosphere
induced wavefront distortions. In this sensor a collimated laser beam propagates through turbulent
atmosphere, then a beam splitter splits it into two beams and the beams pass through a pair of moire deflectometers.
Directions of the grating's rulings are parallel in each moire deflectometer but are perpendicular in
the two beams. Using a suitable array of lenses and mirrors two sets of moire patterns are projected on a CCD
camera. A suitable spatial filter removes the unwanted frequencies. Recording the successive moire patterns by
the CCD camera and feeding them to a computer, allow temporal fluctuations of the laser beam wavefront phase
to be measured highly accurately. Displacements of the moire fringes in the recorded patterns correspond to the
fluctuations of two orthogonal components of the angle of arrival (AA) across the wavefront. The fluctuations
have been deduced in successive frames, and then evolution of the wavefront shape is determined. The implementation
of the technique is straightforward and it overcomes some of the technical difficulties of the Schlieren
and Shack-Hartmann techniques. The sensitivity of detection is adjustable by merely changing the distance
between two gratings in both moire deflectometers and relative grating ruling orientation. This overcomes the
deficiency of the Shack-Hartman sensors in that these require expensive retrofitting to change sensitivity. Besides,
in the moire deflectometry, the measurement is relatively insensitive to the alignment of the beam into
the device. Hence this setup has a very good potential for adaptive optics applications in astronomy. Since tilts
are measured in the Shack-Hartmann method at discrete locations, it cannot detect discontinuous steps in the
wavefront. By this method discontinuous steps in the wavefront are detectable, because AA fluctuations are
measured across the wavefront.
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