Sensorless Adaptive Optics (SAO) allows easy integration of adaptive optics in retina imaging systems, however the iterative nature of the SAO optimization process requires long time to perform aberration correction and the inevitable subject motion during the optimization could compromise the AO correction. Here we present a multi-modal SAO retina imaging system that includes Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), OCT-Angiography, confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (cSLO), and fluorescence detection. To mitigate the motion artifact and increase the SAO performance, we developed volumetric image tracking to extract merit function of SAO only within the region of interests.
Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence (TPEF) is a common modality for volumetric imaging within a biological sample. The molecule-specific contrast of TPEF imaging of the retina enables novel in vivo studies of disease and retina physiology. Furthermore, retinal studies can be aided by imaging the relevant cells, which can be fluorescently labelled with fluorophores such as GFP. The multiphoton absorption suppresses the out-of-focus background signal and improves with the axial sectioning without a confocal aperture in the optical detection path. Imaging the retina with near infrared (NIR) light is ideal since the retina contain visual pigments that are sensitive to visible wavelengths and NIR light has less scattering within biological tissue than shorter wavelengths. However, high pulse energy is required to generate the TPEF, yet minimizing the incident exposure energy is required for non-invasive imaging. TPEF signal intensity increases quartically with the spot size, which leads to high sensitivity to aberrations that distribute the energy deposition of the focused light1. For retinal imaging, decreasing the spot size requires the imaging beam to fill a larger area of the eye, which corresponds to an increase in the aberration amplitudes and often results in low TPEF. Recent research has demonstrated improvements to the TPEF signal for retinal imaging using AO for aberrations correction2,3,4.
Theoretically, the numerical aperture through the pupil of the mouse eye permits sub-micrometer imaging of the retina. However, optical aberrations introduced by the tear film, cornea and intraocular lens reduce the actual resolution. In order to approach diffraction limited imaging, these aberrations can be corrected with Adaptive Optics (AO) using a wavefront corrector such as Deformable Mirror (DM). The traditional approach to AO is to use a Wavefront Sensor (WFS) to measure the ocular aberrations directly. Performing accurate wavefront measurements for WFS AO imaging in a small animal eye requires a high system complexity due to the short length of the eye creating an optically thick sample with multiple scattering surfaces. Alternatively, Sensorless AO (SAO) has the potential to overcome the limitations of the SH-WFS. SAO does not require direct measurement of the optical wavefront but instead uses an image-based approach. SAO methods have the ability to provide depth resolved aberration correction by performing the aberration correction at different layers within the retina.
Our imaging system provides volumetric TPEF imaging in the retina using SAO-OCT for depth-specific aberration correction, using same light source to generate the OCT and TPEF. Here, we present our progress since our previous report4 with improvements to the light delivery, aberration correction, and TPEF detection.
In this study we describe our novel Multi-Scale and multi-Mode Sensorless Adaptive Optics OCT system (MSM-SAO-OCT). Our system expands upon our previously reported work by introducing a zoomable collimator, phase calibration interferometer, and polarization diversity detection module. By using a zoomable collimator into the system setup, we allow an adjustable probing beam diameter without the need to change the optical setup, permitting imaging with both low and high lateral resolution (18 µm – 6 µm) at various Fields of View (FOV) within diffraction limited resolution. By employing SAO optimization algorithm, different morphological structures and microvasculature in a retina were clearly visualized after wavefront aberration correction with dual deformable optical elements – Variable Focus Lens (VFL) for defocus and a Multi-Actuator Adaptive Lens (MAL) for two astigmatisms. For retinal vasculature imaging, MSM-SAO-OCT system generates flow-specific contrast as measuring amplitude of complex variance from the multiple OCT B-scans from the same transverse location after stabilizing OCT signals in a phase using a static interference signal from phase calibration interferometer. In addition, the use of polarization diversity detection allows to create Degree Of Polarization Uniformity (DOPU) contrast using for visualization of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) with its inherent tissue characteristic (polarization scrambling). In order to demonstrate functionality and clinical utility of the MSM-SAO-OCT system, in vivo human retinal imaging was performed on research subjects, and imaging results are presented and discussed.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) are two state-of-the-art imaging technologies commonly used to study retina. Adaptive Optics (AO) methodologies enable high-fidelity correction of ocular aberrations, resulting in improved resolution and sensitivity for both SLO and OCT systems. Here we present work integrating OCT into a previously described mouse retinal AO-SLO system, allowing simultaneous reflectance and fluorescence imaging. The new system allows simultaneous data acquisition of AO-SLO and AO-OCT, facilitating registration and comparison of data from both modalities. The system has data acquisition speed of 200 kHz A-scans/pixel, and high volumetric resolution.
Changes in visibility of the Henle fiber layer and photoreceptor bands of the human retina with illumination directionality have been reported in OCT clinical imaging. These are a direct consequence of the changes in back scattering due to fibrous tissue orientation and to waveguiding properties of the photoreceptors respectively. Here we report the preliminary results of a study on the effects of retinal images acquired with OCT of illumination directionality in the mouse retina. The quantitative assessment of the reflectivity of retinal layers of a BALB/c and WT pigmented mice was performed in-vivo using a swept-source optical coherence tomography system. The intensities of backscattered signals from different outer retinal layers were measured and compared.
Adaptive Optics (AO) is required to achieve cellular resolution at high numerical aperture in small animal eyes. Development of AO technology is required to lower the barriers of the technology translation into pre-clinical vision research environments. Aberration correction for retinal imaging has been demonstrated with great results by direct wavefront sensor (WFS) measurement. However, in some cases the performance of WFS-based AO can be limited by several factors including common path errors, wavefront reconstruction errors and an ill-defined reference plane on the retina. Image-based AO can avoid these issues and the cost of algorithmic execution time. We are investigating and evaluating image-based approaches to potentially provide improvements to compactness, accessibility, and performance of AO systems.
Our experiments were performed on a AO-SLO system which relayed the mouse pupil to a continuous deformable mirror (DM) and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor on conjugate planes. The system allows for closed-loop AO as well as the ability measure aberrations during the image-based optimization. We characterized our DM with a WFS in order to use open-loop modal control. The image-based optimization searched the Zernike polynomial coordinate system using a sharpness quality metric. Our results demonstrate diffraction limited performance (according to the WFS) with both closed-loop and image-based methods. The number of iterations required for the image-based method is dependent on the aberrations present as well as the number of dimensions being corrected. Image-based optimization after closed-loop correction can provide further improvements. We are applying these results to improve image-based AO for small animal in-vivo applications.
We present a multiscale sensorless adaptive optics (SAO) OCT system capable of imaging retinal structure and vasculature with various fields-of-view (FOV) and resolutions. Using a single deformable mirror and exploiting the polarization properties of light, the SAO-OCT-A was implemented in a compact and easy to operate system. With the ability to adjust the beam diameter at the pupil, retinal imaging was demonstrated at two different numerical apertures with the same system. The general morphological structure and retinal vasculature could be observed with a few tens of micrometer-scale lateral resolution with conventional OCT and OCT-A scanning protocols with a 1.7-mm-diameter beam incident at the pupil and a large FOV (15 deg× 15 deg). Changing the system to a higher numerical aperture with a 5.0-mm-diameter beam incident at the pupil and the SAO aberration correction, the FOV was reduced to 3 deg× 3 deg for fine detailed imaging of morphological structure and microvasculature such as the photoreceptor mosaic and capillaries. Multiscale functional SAO-OCT imaging was performed on four healthy subjects, demonstrating its functionality and potential for clinical utility.
KEYWORDS: Aberration correction, Adaptive optics, Sensors, In vivo imaging, Luminescence, Retinal scanning, Wavefronts, Retina, Control systems design, Deformable mirrors
Adaptive optics (AO) is essential for achieving diffraction limited resolution in large numerical aperture (NA) in-vivo retinal imaging in small animals. Cellular-resolution in-vivo imaging of fluorescently labeled cells is highly desirable for studying pathophysiology in animal models of retina diseases in pre-clinical vision research. Currently, wavefront sensor-based (WFS-based) AO is widely used for retinal imaging and has demonstrated great success. However, the performance can be limited by several factors including common path errors, wavefront reconstruction errors and an ill-defined reference plane on the retina. Wavefront sensorless (WFS-less) AO has the advantage of avoiding these issues at the cost of algorithmic execution time. We have investigated WFS-less AO on a fluorescence scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (fSLO) system that was originally designed for WFS-based AO. The WFS-based AO uses a Shack-Hartmann WFS and a continuous surface deformable mirror in a closed-loop control system to measure and correct for aberrations induced by the mouse eye. The WFS-less AO performs an open-loop modal optimization with an image quality metric. After WFS-less AO aberration correction, the WFS was used as a control of the closed-loop WFS-less AO operation. We can easily switch between WFS-based and WFS-less control of the deformable mirror multiple times within an imaging session for the same mouse. This allows for a direct comparison between these two types of AO correction for fSLO. Our results demonstrate volumetric AO-fSLO imaging of mouse retinal cells labeled with GFP. Most significantly, we have analyzed and compared the aberration correction results for WFS-based and WFS-less AO imaging.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) has revolutionized modern ophthalmology, providing depth resolved images of the retinal layers in a system that is suited to a clinical environment. A limitation of the performance and utilization of the OCT systems has been the lateral resolution. Through the combination of wavefront sensorless adaptive optics with dual variable optical elements, we present a compact lens based OCT system that is capable of imaging the photoreceptor mosaic. We utilized a commercially available variable focal length lens to correct for a wide range of defocus commonly found in patient eyes, and a multi-actuator adaptive lens after linearization of the hysteresis in the piezoelectric actuators for aberration correction to obtain near diffraction limited imaging at the retina. A parallel processing computational platform permitted real-time image acquisition and display. The Data-based Online Nonlinear Extremum seeker (DONE) algorithm was used for real time optimization of the wavefront sensorless adaptive optics OCT, and the performance was compared with a coordinate search algorithm. Cross sectional images of the retinal layers and en face images of the cone photoreceptor mosaic acquired in vivo from research volunteers before and after WSAO optimization are presented. Applying the DONE algorithm in vivo for wavefront sensorless AO-OCT demonstrates that the DONE algorithm succeeds in drastically improving the signal while achieving a computational time of 1 ms per iteration, making it applicable for high speed real time applications.
Adaptive optics has been successfully applied to cellular resolution imaging of the retina, enabling visualization of the characteristic mosaic patterns of the outer retina. Wavefront sensorless adaptive optics (WSAO) is a novel technique that facilitates high resolution ophthalmic imaging; it replaces the Hartmann-Shack Wavefront Sensor with an image-driven optimization algorithm and mitigates some the challenges encountered with sensor-based designs. However, WSAO generally requires longer time to perform aberrations correction than the conventional closed-loop adaptive optics. When used for in vivo retinal imaging applications, motion artifacts during the WSAO optimization process will affect the quality of the aberration correction. A faster converging optimization scheme needs to be developed to account for rapid temporal variation of the wavefront and continuously apply corrections. In this project, we investigate the Databased Online Nonlinear Extremum-seeker (DONE), a novel non-linear multivariate optimization algorithm in combination with in vivo human WSAO OCT imaging. We also report both hardware and software updates of our compact lens based WSAO 1060nm swept source OCT human retinal imaging system, including real time retinal layer segmentation and tracking (ILM and RPE), hysteresis correction for the multi-actuator adaptive lens, precise synchronization control for the 200kHz laser source, and a zoom lens unit for rapid switching of the field of view. Cross sectional images of the retinal layers and en face images of the cone photoreceptor mosaic acquired in vivo from research volunteers before and after WSAO optimization are presented.
High quality visualization of the retinal microvasculature can improve our understanding of the onset and development of retinal vascular diseases, which are a major cause of visual morbidity and are increasing in prevalence. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A) images are acquired over multiple seconds and are particularly susceptible to motion artifacts, which are more prevalent when imaging patients with pathology whose ability to fixate is limited. The acquisition of multiple OCT-A images sequentially can be performed for the purpose of removing motion artifact and increasing the contrast of the vascular network through averaging. Due to the motion artifacts, a robust registration pipeline is needed before feature preserving image averaging can be performed.
In this report, we present a novel method for a GPU-accelerated pipeline for acquisition, processing, segmentation, and registration of multiple, sequentially acquired OCT-A images to correct for the motion artifacts in individual images for the purpose of averaging. High performance computing, blending CPU and GPU, was introduced to accelerate processing in order to provide high quality visualization of the retinal microvasculature and to enable a more accurate quantitative analysis in a clinically useful time frame. Specifically, image discontinuities caused by rapid micro-saccadic movements and image warping due to smoother reflex movements were corrected by strip-wise affine registration estimated using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) keypoints and subsequent local similarity-based non-rigid registration. These techniques improve the image quality, increasing the value for clinical diagnosis and increasing the range of patients for whom high quality OCT-A images can be acquired.
Two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) for in-vivo retinal imaging is an emerging tool for vision science. TPEF has multiple benefits in comparison to conventional confocal fluorescence scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for retinal imaging, including better axial resolution and the ability to use infrared excitation light for imaging the highly photosensitive tissue in the retina. TPEF is very sensitive to the focused spot size, which is enlarged by aberrations induced by the refractive elements of the mouse eye when imaging with a large numerical aperture. Our system begins with a femtosecond pulsed laser for two-photon excitation, which is also sufficiently spectrally broadband to allow for an optical coherence tomography (OCT) sub-system to guide aberration correction. The OCT system operated at 1 volumes/second with our custom GPU accelerated real-time processing. Our lens-based optical design features two deformable elements, one with large stroke for focus control on the retina and the other with multiple actuators for aberration correction. Our wavefront-sensorless adaptive optics (SAO) is driven by a modal search with a sharpness quality metric on the en-face OCT image of the selected retinal layer. After optimization, the speed was increased to 10 fps for TPEF imaging to allow for streaming and averaging ~200 frames per image. To demonstrate the system capabilities, we performed in-vivo retinal fluorescein angiography using TPEF. Our results demonstrate depth-resolved aberration correction with the SAO-OCT to increase the TPEF signal intensity. We also present TPEF at multiple vascular layers in the mouse retina alongside the volumetric OCT to localize the vessels.
The use of adaptive lenses instead of deformable mirrors can simplify the implementation of an adaptive optics system. The recently introduced Multi-actuator Adaptive Lens (MAL) can be used in closed loop with a wavefront sensor to correct for time-variant wavefront aberrations. The MAL can guarantee a level of correction and a response time similar to the ones obtained with deformable mirrors. The adaptive lens is based on the use of piezoelectric actuators and, without any obstruction or electrodes in the clear aperture, can guarantee a fast response time, less than ~10ms. Our tests show that the MAL can be used both in combination with a wavefront sensor in a “classical” adaptive optics closed loop, or in a wavefront sensorless configuration. The latter has allowed us to design more compact and simple imaging systems for different microscopy platforms. We will show that the Multi-actuator Adaptive Lens has been successfully used for in-vivo OCT ophthalmic imaging in both mice and humans, as well as confocal and two photon microscopy. We tested and compared different optimization strategies such as coordinate search and the DONE algorithm. The results suggest that the MAL optimization can correct for eye aberrations with a pupil of 5mm or sample induced aberrations in microscopy.
Adaptive optics (AO) is necessary to correct aberrations when imaging the mouse eye with high numerical aperture. In order to obtain cellular resolution, we have implemented wavefront sensorless adaptive optics for in vivo fluorescence imaging of mouse retina. Our approach includes a lens-based system and MEMS deformable mirror for aberration correction. The AO system was constructed with a reflectance channel for structural images and fluorescence channel for functional images. The structural imaging was used in real-time for navigation on the retina using landmarks such as blood vessels. We have also implemented a tunable liquid lens to select the retinal layer of interest at which to perform the optimization. At the desired location on the mouse retina, the optimization algorithm used the fluorescence image data to drive a modal hill-climbing algorithm using an intensity or sharpness image quality metric. The optimization requires ~30 seconds to complete a search up to the 20th Zernike mode. In this report, we have demonstrated the AO performance for high-resolution images of the capillaries in a fluorescence angiography. We have also made progress on an approach to AO with pupil segmentation as a possible sensorless technique suitable for small animal retinal imaging. Pupil segmentation AO was implemented on the same ophthalmic system and imaging performance was demonstrated on fluorescent beads with induced aberrations.
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