Dr. Giacomo Vacca
President at Kinetic River Corp
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Area of Expertise:
Flow cytometry , In vitro diagnostics , Biosensors , Microfluidics , Light scattering , Optical system design
Profile Summary

Giacomo Vacca earned physics degrees from Harvard University (BA/MA) and from Stanford University (PhD). For his dissertation, with Nobel Prize winner Bob Laughlin, he developed a novel ultrafast light scattering technique. He has set up whole laboratories from scratch, started and led development programs, generated intellectual property (50 patent applications, 23 awarded to date), led diverse interdisciplinary groups, and managed IP portfolios. At Abbott Labs, Dr. Vacca invented and developed Laser Rastering, a radically innovative concept in flow cytometry that yielded the fastest cell analysis rate in the world. A Senior Member of SPIE and of the Optical Society of America and past Abbott Research Fellow, Dr. Vacca founded and runs Kinetic River, a biophotonics design and product development company focusing on flow cytometry. In 2013 he also cofounded BeamWise, a provider of optical system design automation tools.
Publications (2)

Proceedings Article | 8 March 2014 Paper
Giacomo Vacca, Hannu Lehtimäki, Tapio Karras, Sean Murphy
Proceedings Volume 8992, 899202 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2045500
KEYWORDS: Computer aided design, 3D modeling, Solid modeling, Systems modeling, Biomedical optics, Instrument modeling, Optical simulations, Photonics systems, Optical filters, Computer simulations

Proceedings Article | 12 February 2009 Paper
G. Vacca, M. Junnarkar, N. Goldblatt, M. Yee, B. Van Slyke, T. Briese
Proceedings Volume 7182, 71821T (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.820799
KEYWORDS: Lawrencium, Flow cytometry, Scattering, Signal processing, Laser scattering, Signal detection, Sensors, Hematology, Blood, Light scattering

Course Instructor
SC1150: Flow Cytometry Trends & Drivers
Flow cytometry is an extremely versatile optical cell analysis technology in widespread use. For example, it is the gold standard for monitoring of treatment for HIV patients, and the majority of the 200M+ routine blood tests performed worldwide per year are carried out on instruments based on flow cytometry engines. This course consists of two parts: (1) flow cytometry basics, and (2) trends and drivers. The first part will explain the basics of flow cytometry: the physical principles of the technique, typical system layout, critical photonic components, and application examples. You will walk away with a solid grasp of flow cytometry instrumentation and principles of operation. The second part will explore current trends in flow cytometry, focusing on the relationship between market drivers and technology enablers. You will receive an overview of current unmet needs, the latest innovations, and up-and-coming players.
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