Hazan Daglayan Sevim
at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (4)

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2024 Presentation + Paper
F. Cantalloube, V. Christiaens, C. Cantero, A. Cioppa, E. Nasedkin, O. Absil, P. Delorme, J.-J. Wang, J. Bonse, H. Daglayan, C.-H. Dahlqvist, N. Guyot, S. Juillard, J. Mazoyer, M. Samland, M. Sabalbal, J.-B. Ruffio, M. Van Droogenbroeck
Proceedings Volume 13097, 1309713 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3020278
KEYWORDS: Signal to noise ratio, Astrometry, Exoplanets, Signal detection, Coronagraphy, Adaptive optics, Point spread functions, Stars

Proceedings Article | 18 October 2016 Presentation + Paper
Hazan Dağlayan Sevim, Yasemin Yardımcı Çetin, Didem Özışık Başkurt
Proceedings Volume 10004, 100040A (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2241938
KEYWORDS: RGB color model, Near infrared, Multispectral imaging, Light, Light sources, Buildings, Remote sensing, Reflection, Vegetation, Satellites

Proceedings Article | 15 October 2015 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9643, 96432N (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2196532
KEYWORDS: Hyperspectral imaging, Vegetation, Remote sensing, Sensors, Data conversion, Image processing, Soil science, RGB color model, Roads, Visible radiation

Proceedings Article | 3 June 2015 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9482, 94821F (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2190066
KEYWORDS: Hyperspectral imaging, Detection and tracking algorithms, Near infrared, Vegetation, Reflectivity, Sensors, RGB color model, Remote sensing, Algorithm development, Data acquisition

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