Dr. John P. Farmer
at Heinrich Heine Univ Dusseldorf
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (11)

Proceedings Article | 14 May 2019 Presentation
Gregory Vieux, Silvia Cipiccia, Gregor Welsh, Sam Yoffe, Matthew Tooley, Craig Picken, Graeme McKendrick, Felix Gaertner, Enrico Brunetti, Bengt Eliasson, Bernhard Ersfeld, MinSup Hur, John Farmer, Joao Dias, Thomas Kuehl, Alexander Pukhov, Dino Jaroszynski
Proceedings Volume 11036, 1103604 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2522976
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Raman spectroscopy, Laser applications, Laser amplifiers, Backscatter, Raman scattering, Scattering, Capillaries, Picosecond phenomena

Proceedings Article | 13 June 2017 Presentation
Gregory Vieux, Silvia Cipiccia, Nuno R. Lemos, Cristian Ciocarlan, Peter Grant, David Grant, Bernhard Ersfeld, MinSup Hur, Panagiotis Lepipas, Grace Manahan, David Reboredo Gil, Anna Subiel, Gregor Welsh, S. Mark Wiggins, Samuel Yoffe, John Farmer, Constantin Aniculaesei, Enrico Brunetti, Xue Yang, Robert Heathcote, Gagik Nersisyan, Ciaran L. Lewis, Alexander Pukhov, Joāo Mendanha Dias, Dino Jaroszynski
Proceedings Volume 10234, 1023407 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2269511
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Raman spectroscopy, Laser applications, Amplifiers, Laser amplifiers, Backscatter, Solid state lasers, Solid state physics

Proceedings Article | 12 May 2015 Paper
Proceedings Volume 9509, 95090H (2015) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2179570
KEYWORDS: Electroluminescent displays, Particles, Plasma, Raman spectroscopy, Pulsed laser operation, Photonic integrated circuits, Laser scattering, Optical simulations, Computer simulations, Neodymium

Proceedings Article | 11 May 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8075, 80750H (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.887190
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Photonic integrated circuits, Raman spectroscopy, Electrons, Thermal effects, Pulsed laser operation, Physics, Laser scattering, Phase velocity, Laser applications

Proceedings Article | 11 May 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8075, 80750G (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.887195
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Capillaries, Pulsed laser operation, Raman spectroscopy, Laser energy, Waveguides, Laser systems engineering, Picosecond phenomena, Backscatter, Energy transfer

Showing 5 of 11 publications
Conference Committee Involvement (3)
Coherent and Incoherent Radiation Sources based on Relativistic Plasma Waves V
7 April 2025 | Prague, Czech Republic
Relativistic Plasma Waves and Particle Beams as Coherent and Incoherent Radiation Sources IV
19 April 2021 | Online Only, Czech Republic
Relativistic Plasma Waves and Particle Beams as Coherent and Incoherent Radiation Sources
3 April 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
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