Proceedings Article | 5 May 2017
KEYWORDS: Robots, Robotics, Intelligence systems, Navigation systems, Control systems, Ozone, Unmanned ground vehicles, Global Positioning System, Buildings, Machine vision, Sensors, Safety, Computer engineering, Computer science, Product engineering, Unmanned systems
The IGVC is a college level autonomous unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) competition that encompasses a wide variety of engineering professions – mechanical, electrical, computer engineering and computer science. It requires engineering students from these varied professions to collaborate in order to develop a truly integrated engineering product, a fully autonomous UGV. Students must overcome a large variety of engineering technical challenges in control theory, power requirements/distribution, cognition, machine vision, vehicle electronics, sensors, systems integration, vehicle steering, fault tolerance/redundancy, noise filtering, PCB design/analysis/selection, vehicle engineering analysis, design, fabrication, field testing, lane-following, avoiding obstacles, vehicle simulation/virtual evaluation, GPS/waypoint navigation, safety design, etc.