The Man Portable Vector (MPV) sensor is a new mono/multistatic time-domain EMI detector that provides a detailed
electromagnetic picture of a target by measuring all three magnetic field components at five distinct receiver positions in
over 100 time channels. We have adapted the data-derived Standardized Excitation Approach (SEA) to this sensor. The
SEA has been found in the past to make sound predictions in near-field situations, where schemes like the dipole model
fail, and in cases where the target under interrogation is heterogeneous and the interactions between its different sections
affect the detectable signal. The method replaces a given target with a set of sources placed on a surrounding spheroid and
decomposes the sensor primary field into a set of standardized modes. Each of these modes elicits a response from the
sources that is intrinsic to the object; it is only the relative weights of the modes that vary with the position and orientation
of the target relative to the sensor. The strengths of the sources can be determined by fitting experimental data. Here we
review some of the results we obtain when we apply the technique to problems relevant to the identification of unexploded
ordnance (UXO). We extract the source parameters using high-quality measurements collected at a UXO test stand and
invert unused data sets for location and to discriminate between different objects. We carry out similar experiments with
buried objects in order to assess the performance of the method in realistic situations.
Studies have showed that magnetically susceptible soils significantly affect on the EMI sensors
performances, which in return reduce the sensors discrimination capabilities. In order to improve EMI sensors detection
and discrimination performances first soil's magnetic susceptibility needs to be estimated, and then the soils EMI
responses have to be taken into account during geophysical data inversion procedure. Until now the soil's magnetic
susceptibility is determined using a tiny amount (up to 15 mg) of soil's probe. This approach in many cases does not
represent effective magnetic susceptibility that affects on the EMI sensors performances. This paper presents an
approach for estimating soil's magnetic susceptibility from low frequency electromagnetic induction data and it is
designed namely for the GeoPhex frequency domain GEM-3 sensor. In addition, a numerical code called the method
auxiliary sources (MAS) is employed for establishing relation between magnetically susceptible soil's surface statistics
and EMI scattered field. Using the MAS code EMI scatterings are studied for magnetically susceptible soils with two
types of surfaces: body of revolution (BOR) and 3D rough surface. To demonstrate applicability of the technique first
the magnetic susceptibility is inverted from frequency domain data that were collected at Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory's test-stand site. Then, several numerical results are presented to demonstrate the relation
between surface roughness statistic and EMI scattered fields.
In this paper the normalized surface magnetic charge model (NSMC) is employed for discriminating objects
of interest, such as unexploded ordnances (UXO), from innocuous items, in cases when UXO electromagnetic induction
(EMI) responses are contaminated by signals from other objects or magnetically susceptible ground. The model is
designed for genuine discrimination and it is a physically complete, fast, and accurate forward model for analyzing EMI
scattering. In the NSMC the overall EMI inverse problem can be summarized as follows: first, for any primary magnetic
field the scattered magnetic field at selected points outside the object is recorded; and second, using the scattered field
information an object buried object location, orientation and the amplitude of the NSMC are estimated. Finally, the total
NSMC is used as a discriminant for distinguishing between UXO and non-UXO items. To illustrate the applicability of
the NSMC algorithm, blind test data, which are collected at Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory facility
for actually buried objects under different type soil, are processed and analyzed.
The identification of unexploded ordnance (UXO) using electromagnetic-induction (EMI) sensors involves two essentially
independent steps: Each anomaly detected by the sensor has to be located fairly accurately, and its orientation determined,
before one can try to find size/shape/composition properties that identify the object uniquely. The dependence on the
latter parameters is linear, and can be solved for efficiently using for example the Normalized Surface Magnetic Charge
model. The location and orientation, on the other hand, have a nonlinear effect on the measurable scattered field, making
their determination much more time-consuming and thus hampering the ability to carry out discrimination in real time. In
particular, it is difficult to resolve for depth when one has measurements taken at only one instrument elevation.
In view of the difficulties posed by direct inversion, we propose using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to infer the
location and orientation of buried UXO. SVMs are a method of supervised machine learning: the user can train a computer
program by feeding it features of representative examples, and the machine, in turn, can generalize this information by
finding underlying patterns and using them to classify or regress unseen instances. In this work we train an SVM using
measured-field information, for both synthetic and experimental data, and evaluate its ability to predict the location of
different buried objects to reasonable accuracy. We explore various combinations of input data and learning parameters in
search of an optimal predictive configuration.
Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) is one of the most promising techniques for UXO discrimination. Target discrimination is usually formulated as an inverse problem typically requiring fast forward models for efficiency. The most successful and widely applied EMI forward model is the simple dipole model, which works well for simple objects when the observation points are not close to the target. For complicated cases, a single dipole is not sufficient and a number of dipoles (displaced dipoles) has been suggested. However, once more than one dipole is needed, it is difficult to infer a unique set of model parameters from measurement data, which is usually limited. Inspired by the displaced dipole model, we developed the dumbbell dipole model, which consists of a special combination of dipoles. We placed a center dipole and two anti-symmetric side dipoles on the target axis. The center dipole functions like the traditional single dipole model and the two side dipoles provide the non-symmetric response of the target. When the distance between dipoles is small, this model is essentially a dipole plus a quadrupole. The advantage of the dumbbell model is that the model parameters can be inferred more easily from measurement data. The center dipole represents the main response of the target, the side dipoles act as additional backup in case a simple dipole is not sufficient. Regularization terms are applied so that the dumbbell dipole model automatically reduces to the simple dipole model in degenerate cases. Preliminary test shows that the dumbbell model can fit the measurement data better than the simple dipole model, and the inferred model parameters are unique for a given UXO. This suggests that the model parameters can be used as a discriminator for UXO. In this paper the dumbbell dipole model is introduced and its performance is compared with that of both the simple dipole model and the displaced dipole model.
Magnetic and electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing have been identified as two of most promising
technologies for the detection and discrimination of subsurface metallic objects, particularly unexploded ordnances
(UXO). In magnetic sensing, the principle of detection is that the sensor measures a distortion of the Earth's magnetic
field caused by ferrous objects/ordnance. Similarly, in EMI, the sensors are detecting signals that are produced by
induced and permanent magnetic polarizations. While these sensors can detect ferrous objects, they also find many other
magnetic anomalies in the close vicinity. Soils, which contain small magnetic particles, called magnetically susceptible
soils, can produce EMI responses, and therefore they can mask or modify the object's EMI response. These soils are a
major source of false positives when searching for UXO using magnetic or EMI sensors. Studies show that in adverse
areas up to 30% of identified electromagnetic (EM) anomalies are attributed to geology. Therefore, to enhance UXO
detection as well as discrimination in geological environments the effects of the magnetic soils on the magnetic and EMI
signal demands studies in detail. In this paper, the method of auxiliary sources (MAS) is applied to investigate the EMI
response from magnetically susceptible rough surfaces. Several important physical phenomena such as the interaction
between surface irregularities, modeled as multi hemitoroidal objects, surface roughness and antenna elevation effects
are studied and documented. The numerical results are checked against available measurement data.
In the electromagnetic-induction (EMI) detection and discrimination of unexploded ordnance (UXO) it is important for inversion purposes to have an efficient forward model of the detector-target interaction. Here we revisit an attractively simple model for EMI response of a metallic object, namely a hypothetical anisotropic, infinitesimal magnetic dipole characterized by its magnetic polarizability tensor, and investigate the extent to which one
can train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to produce reliable gross characterization of objects based on the inferred tensor elements as discriminators. We obtain the frequency-dependent polarizability tensor elements for various object characteristics by using analytical solutions to the EMI equations. Then, using synthetic data and focusing on gross shape and especially size, we evaluate the classification success of different SVM formulations for different kinds of objects.
KEYWORDS: Magnetism, Electromagnetic coupling, Sensors, Data modeling, Magnetic sensors, Received signal strength, Electromagnetism, Free space, Nose, Fourier transforms
The generalized standardized excitation approach (GSEA) is presented to enhance UXO discrimination under realistic field conditions. The GSEA is a fast, numerical, forward model for representing an object's EMI responses over the entire frequency band from near DC to 100s of kHz. It has been developed and tested in both the frequency and time domains for actual UXOs placed in free space. The GSEA, which uses magnetic dipoles instead of magnetic charges as responding sources, is capable of taking into account the background medium surrounding an object. Given a modeled UWB frequency domain (FD) response, the corresponding time domain (TD) response is easily obtained by the inverse Fourier transform. Thus the technique is applicable for any FD or TD sensor configuration and can treat complex data sets: novel waveforms, multi-axis, vector, or tensor magnetic or electromagnetic induction data, or any combination of magnetic and EMI data. Host media effects are taken into account via appropriate types of Green's function and equivalent dipole sources. Comparisons between simulations and experimental data illustrate that the GSEA is a unified approach for reproducing both TD and FD EMI signals for actual UXOs. The EMI response from a soil that has a frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility is studied. The EMI responses in both FD and TD domains are analyzed for the model of an actual UXO that is buried in a magnetically susceptible half space.
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) has prominent technique in UXO detection and discrimination research. Fast forward solutions are needed for target discrimination, which is essentially an inverse problem. We have previously developed a physically complete modeling system that includes all effects of the heterogeneities and their interactions within the object, in both near and far fields. Since the problem is highly ill-conditioned, the high order excitation modes were truncated and only the solutions of low and dominant modes were solved for. In this paper we introduce a two step approach for extracting the model parameters for both low and high order excitation modes. In the first step, high order modes are truncated. Solutions for low order modes are inferred from the measured data that mostly contain low order mode excitations. In the second step, solutions for both low and high order modes are solved by giving more weight to measurements that contains high order modes, and using the first step solutions as prior information. In the cases investigated here the two step approach provides a more accurate forward model and is still fast enough for inversion calculations in UXO detection and discrimination.
KEYWORDS: Soil science, Data modeling, Magnetism, Electromagnetic coupling, Sensors, Magnetic sensors, Commercial off the shelf technology, Electromagnetism, Superposition, Free space
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) has become a promising technique for UXO detection and discrimination. In most studies the effect of the ground itself is assumed small and neglected. This assumption holds up relative to ground conductivity and corresponding induced electric currents. However experience shows that magnetic effects may sometimes be significant. Here we consider the case when the ground itself is mildly permeable, a common condition. Magnetic (i.e. permeable) soil could conceivably affect the EMI response of buried metallic targets in three ways: (1) the half space of soil itself produces a scattered field, dependent on the position of the sensor, which becomes part of the background; (2) The incident field that reaches the target and the response that reaches the sensor are altered by the air-ground interface; and (3) the frequency response of the target may be altered by changes in the ratio of its magnetic permeability to that of the ground in which it is buried. Regarding the first factor, analysis shows that the response of a half space to an above-ground dipole source should be flat across the EMI spectrum. By describing our actual sensor in terms of a collection of infinitesimal dipoles, we are thus able to calculate the response due to the ground alone as a function of antenna elevation and tilt. This can then be subtracted from the data as background. Examination of realistic ground parameters at UXO sites and reference to basic magneto-quasistatic solutions allows to discount the effects of the second and third factors. We then construct a forward model which takes the soil effect into account via the first factor, and apply the model in a pattern matching approach for UXO discrimination. Example results show that the effect of soil is important in some cases, and neglecting soil effect may cause quite significant difficulty or error in UXO discrimination.
This paper presents an application of a combined differential evolution (DE) and surface magnetic charge (SMC) model to discriminate objects of interest, such as unexploded ordnance (UXO), from innocuous items. In entire electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing considered here (tens of Hertz up to several hundreds of kHz), the scattered magnetic field outside the object can be represented in terms of scalar magnetic potential, from which one can obtain all scattered magnetic fields. Such fields are appropriately and readily produced mathematically by equivalent magnetic charges. The amplitudes of these charges are determined from measurement data. The surface magnetic charge model takes into account the scatterer's heterogeneity and near- and far-field effects. It is very fast and simple to implement in EMI inverse scattering algorithms. For simplification of discrimination algorithms, the frequency spectrum of the total normalized equivalent charge is investigated here as a discriminant. Two inversions scenarios are discussed: 1. Simple, when we assume that a buried object's location and orientation are known but its identity is not; and 2. General when both identity and all positional parameters are unknown. In the first case, because the task is only to identify the object, only the SMC model is required and this serves as a test of it alone. In the second case the combined DE and SMC model approach is required for identifying the object as well as its location and orientation. In this case an iterative two-step inversion procedure is used together with measured data. One step calculates an object's location and orientation, and the other calculates the amplitudes of the responding fictitious magnetic charges. Once the object's location, orientation, and spectrum of total magnetic charge are all determined, then that spectrum is compared to cataloged library data for UXO's of interest. To illustrate the applicability of the combined DE and SMC algorithm for UXO discrimination, first a simple inversion methodology is given for an actual UXO and then a general inversion approach is tested for a single object.
The objective of this paper is to study the advantage of multi-axis (vector) data over scalar one-dimensional data in the electromagnetic induction (diffusion) regime in both frequency and time domains for discriminating unexploded ordnance (UXO). Particular attention is given to the time domain. Traditional magnetometers and coil-based electromagnetic induction sensors measure only one component of the scattered magnetic field. They provide high sensitivity, but one-component magnetic field measurements provide limited information about the electromagnetic signatures of buried items, particularly for target localization and determination of target parameters. Recently much effort has been directed at developing next-generation electromagnetic geophysical sensors to collect vector data; for example, Geophex has built a new 3D GEM-3 sensor, with one transmitter and three (all Hx, Hy, Hz) receiver coils, and similar capabilities exist in the time domain. In this paper a surface magnetic charge (SMC) model, in conjunction with a differential evolution (DE) algorithm, is used to treat multi-axis data to advance, motivated by potential application to discrimination of buried UXO’s. In the SMC model the scattered magnetic field is produced by a set of magnetic charges distributed mathematically around the target location. The amplitudes of these charges is determined by matching to measured magnetic fields at a selected set of points. When the charge amplitudes are normalized by the corresponding normal component of the primary field at each location, their sum is regarded as an indication of the magnetic capacity of the object and is used as a discriminant. Once the amplitude of this normalized source set is found for each object, it can be stored for subsequent use in a discrimination algorithm. Time domain SMCs are developed for highly permeable and metallic objects buried inside a magnetic half-space. Air/magnetic ground interface effects are taken into account using image theory. Examples of synthetic electromagnetic induction data sets in the time domain are designed to show the advantage of vector over scalar data. The numerical tests for inversion of an object’s location and position from the multi-axis data and single component data will are discussed and analyzed in detail.
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing of a highly conducting and permeable metallic object buried inside a permeable medium is studied. The numerical technique is based on the method of auxiliary sources (MAS) and combined MAS/ thin skin depth approximation (MAS/TSA). The effect of the air/soil interface is accounted for via image theory, tailored for the quasi-magnetostatic case. First, the electromagnetic field inside a permeable medium originating from a state of the art EMI sensor is modeled using image theory. Image theory is then expanded to treat multi-layered cases. An analytical expression is derived for determining a half space magnetic permeability from EMI data, and is applied to measured data. The MAS/TSA is used for solving the full EMI scattering problem for a heterogeneous, highly conducting and permeable metallic object in a permeable medium. Several numerical examples are designed to show how the geological soil’s magnetic permeability can affect the signal from a buried metallic object.
Near field (~1 m) electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing, from 10's of Hz up to 100's of kHz, has shown significant success in detecting subsurface metallic targets. However, the discrimination of buried unexploded ordinance (UXO) from innocuous objects still remains a challenging and very expensive problem. The problem is particularly complicated in many field surveys where the data are highly contaminated with noise and clutter. In EMI data the noise and clutter are generated by the sensor, surrounding media (magnetic soil), sensor operation (motion and rotation) etc. Understanding and taking into account noise associated with the ambient environment are particularly important for developing a new generation of geological electromagneticc induction sensors as well for identification and discrimination of UXO. To address these critical issues, this paper investigates EMI scattering from a highly permeable and conducting objects subject to the state of the art of sensors placed in an infinite permeable non-conducting medium. The numerical calculation is done via the method of auxiliary sources combined with thin skin depth approximation algorithm (MAS-MAS/TSA). Using the image theory, the formulation is extended for magnetic half spaces. First the accuracy of the proposed method is checked against available analytical data for a sphere. Then several numerical results are shown and analyzed to assess the permeable soils effect on object responses, including object-soil surface interation effects and surface roughness effects. Ultimately, a user friendly EMI body of revolution code is put forward that combines these two features. It is available in the public domain, for the solution of EMI problems with single and multi (heterogeneous) objects buried inside an infinite magnetic space or in magnetic half space, subject to state of the art of sensor excitation. The code produces results in both time and frequency domains.
For UWB (30 Hz - 100 kHz) electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor discrimination of unexploded ordnance (UXO), we evaluate first the effects of significant magnetic permeability in the surrounding soil. Measured data and theoretical arguments suggest that ground effects can often be accounted for by using a simple halfspace analytical solution. Thus, when target responses are strong enough, free-space target signature shapes can still be used for discrimination if properly compensated. At the same time, even in artificially well-mixed, physically smoothed settings, local variations in soil permeability can be a significant source of signal clutter. Cases with multiple UXO’s beneath dispersed small metallic clutter are also considered as instances in which clutter may dominate. In simulations of two comparably sized UXO’s at comparable depths with a signal to clutter ratio (SCR) of ~ 20, UWB data distinguishes the two objects reliably over a ground surface measurement grid. For similar cases but with the objects at significantly different depths relative to one another, one cannot distinguish the deeper target, even with the same noise level and with UWB data. Measurements illustrate the level of EMI SCR to be expected from dispersed small metallic items collected from a firing range. For cases with a single piece of clutter and a much more massive UXO immediately below, simulations show almost complete obscuration of the UXO, in both frequency and time domains. This is not caused by signal blockage but results from different degrees of proximity to the sensor, i.e. from the consequent signal magnitude disparity.
Most unexploded ordinance (UXO) are heterogeneous objects containing parts of different metals, e.g., head, body, tail and fins, copper banding, etc. Recently, low frequency electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing, based on the EM diffusion phenomena, has shown considerable progress for the detection and discrimination of UXO. EMI responses are sensitive to the type of metal (conductivity and permeability), to the distance between the sensor and scatterer, and to the coupling effects between different parts of the object. Until now, the simple dipole models used to represent EMI response have neglected the coupling and close proximity effects seen for realistic objects. These factors can interact with the particulars of excitation and observation to produce substantially varied signature patterns for a given object. This means that a key requirement in discrimination/inversion processing is to calculate very fast but very realistic EMI responses for actual target types. This work presents a new discrimination technique based on the standardized excitation approximation (SEA). The SEA seeks to identify objects in terms of their characteristic responses to sets of well defined excitations that can be used to describe any primary (excitation) field. In the new SEA system presented here, the standardized excitations are those produced by a standardized source set (SSS), in particular, fictitious magnetic sources distributed mathematically over a surface surrounding a scatterer. Several numerical results are given to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed new technique. Finally, the spatial distribution and frequency dependence of responding equivalent sources are analyzed to demonstrate the usefulness of SSS for target discrimination.
Electromagnetic induction sensing (EMI), between ~ 10's of Hz and 100's of kHz, may show the strongest promise for discrimination of subsurface, shallow metallic objects such as unexploded ordnance (UXO). While EMI signals penetrate the soil readily, resolution is low and responses are sometimes ambiguous. For crucial discrimination progress, maximum data diversity is desirable in terms of look angles, frequency spectrum, and full vector scattered field data. Newly developed instrumentation now offers the possibility of full vector UWB EMI data with flexible look angle and sensor distance/sweep, defined by precise laser positioning. Particulars of the equipment and resulting data are displayed. An indication is given of potential advantages for reducing the chronic ill-conditioning of inversion calculations with EMI data, when one takes advantage of the data diversity made possible by the instrumental advances. Some EMI measurement issues cannot be solved by EMI data diversity, as when small surface clutter above a much larger UXO effectively blinds an EMI sensor. EMI surveying must be supplemented by or sometimes replaced by ground penetrating radar (GPR) approaches in such instances.
KEYWORDS: Electromagnetic coupling, General packet radio service, Magnetism, Sensors, Feature extraction, Electromagnetism, Data processing, Data modeling, Polarization, Ground penetrating radar
In highly contaminated unexploded ordnance (UXO) cleanup sites, multiple metallic subsurface objects may appear within the field of view of the sensor simultaneously, both for electromagnetic induction (EMI) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). Sensor measurements consist of an a priori unknown mixture of the objects' responses. The two sensing systems can provide different kinds of information, which are complementary and could together produce enhanced UXO discrimination in such cases. GPR can indicate the number of objects and their approximate locations and orientations. This data can then serve as prior information in EMI modeling based on the standardized excitation approximation (SEA). The method is capable of producing very fast, ultra-high fidelity renderings of each object’s response, including all effects of near and far field observation, non-uniform excitation, geometrical and material heterogeneity, and internal interactions. Given good position information, the SEA formulation inverts successfully for EMI parameters for each of the two objects, using EMI data in which their signals overlap. The values of the inferred parameters, in terms of their frequency and spatial patterns for an object's response to each basic excitation, are unique characteristics of the object and could thus serve as a basis for classification.
Current idealized forward models for electromagnetic induction (EMI) response can be defeated by the characteristic material and geometrical heterogeneity of realistic unexploded ordnance (UXO). A new, physically complete modeling system includes all effects of these heterogeneities and their interactions within the object, in both near and far fields. The model is fast enough for implementation in inversion processing algorithms. A method is demonstrated for deriving the model parameters from straight forward processing of training data from a defined measurement protocol. Depending on the EMI sensor used for measurements, the process of inferring model parameters is more or less ill-posed. More complete data can alleviate the problem. For a given set of training data, special numerical treatment is introduced to take the best advantage of the data and obtain reliable model parameters. This fast model is implemented in a "fingerprint" testing approach in which two different UXOs are identified from the measurement data. Preliminary results showed that this fast model is promising for UXO identification.
Near field ( ~ 1 m) electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing, from 10's of Hz up to 100's of kHz, has been successful in detecting subsurface metallic targets. However, the discrimination of buried unexploded ordinance (UXO) from innocuous objects still remains a challenging problem. The EM fields radiated by both antenna and target fall off very sharply as function ~1/R3, for a combined decay rate of ~ 1/R6. Therefore EMI sensors affect different materials and sections of the target differently, and signals depend very strongly on what parts of the target are closest to the sensor. Taking into account proximity effects is particularly important for identification and discrimination of actual UXO. The classification of unseen, buried objects, which in general is an inverse problem, requires very fast and accurate representation of the target response. To address these critical issues and to enhance of UXO identification, this paper presents very fast, rigorous ways to compute EMI scattering from a composite target. The method is based on the hybrid full method of auxiliary source (MAS) and MAS-thin skin depth approximation technique (MAS-TSA), together with modal decomposition and reduced source set techniques. For general excitation, a primary field is decomposed into the fundamental spheroidal modes on a fictious spheroid surrounding a real target. Then the problem is solved for each spheroidal mode, taking advantage of axial symmetry. Finally the total response from the target is reproduced using only a few auxiliary magnetic charges. The numerical results are given and compared with experimental data.
EMI (electromagnetic Induction) sensing has been shown to be a very valuable technique for target identification in UXO detection and discrimination. Numerical simulation for EMI sensing of metallic objects is difficult in part because the electromagnetic fields inside the object decay over very small distances, especially at high frequency. This challenges both numerical and analytical techniques. EMI signal inversion has been hampered heretofore by this lack of tractable solutions for basic alternative target shapes. Recently investigators developed an analytical solution formulation for general spheroids. To deal with evaluation problems in those solutions, a high frequency approximation (SPA) was developed, which turns out to have remarkably broadband applicability for steel objects. In this paper we will study its application for UXO identification. One of the most simple and effective procedures for UXO detection and recognition is "fingerprint" matching, for which we know the potential target(s) we are looking for, and we proceed by matching patterns in measured data against those archived for the specific target(s). Since the location and orientation of the target are unknown, we need to estimate them by solving the inverse problem, as a prerequisite for the matching calculations. Both numerical simulation and measurement data indicate that many realistic targets can be approximated by a representative spheroid. The SPA algorithm was then adopted to provide fast forward solution (EMI response from the representative spheroid).. Results show that in a certain range, the spheroid-based forward model can provide sufficiently accurate representation of the responses for a variety of representative target types. Its application in inversion is shown to be very beneficial for target detection and identification.
Virtually all signal processing strategies for discrimination of buried UXO are clutter limited. Most buried UXO are to be found in the top meter of soil, and therefore produce detectable electromagnetic responses. However they also typically reside in settings with widespread metallic clutter from detonated ordnance or other sources. While generally smaller than the UXO, metallic fragments can be numerous and may be shallower than the UXO we seek. Thus clutter signals may be stronger than those from UXO, especially locally, and may cause either highly localized or diffuse obscuration of signatures. They may mask crucial UXO frequency and temporal response patterns, and may distort the otherwise revealing spatial variations of response. To deal with this, first an analytical physical model of electromagnetic induction (EMI) scattering from widespread metallic clutter is formulated and tested. The dependence of signal magnitude on antenna elevation is determined for both thin surface layers and volume layers of clutter. This dependence is different from that of a single UXO size target. In treatment of UWB EMI measurements, this difference is exploited to elicit evidence of the UXO-like target when it is screened from the sensor by a surface layer of small metallic objects. Inversions are also performed for characterizing the geometry of a UXO-like target beneath a surface layer of clutter. The test cases compare a simple least squares (SLS) and a Bayesian-inspired statistical (BIS) approach. As target depth is increased and signal to clutter ratio decreases, the BIS generally produces more consistent and accurate results.
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