Dr. Peter H. Lechner
Senior Scientist at Halbleiterlabor der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (47)

Proceedings Article | 10 September 2024 Poster + Paper
W. Treberspurg, A. Bähr, F. Heinrich, H. Kluck, P. Lechner, J. Ninkovic, J. Treis, J. Schieck, N. Wernicke
Proceedings Volume 13092, 130923S (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3019793
KEYWORDS: Electrons, Sensors, Quantum reading, Silicon, Active sensors, Signal processing, Quantum gates, Charge-coupled devices, Quantum sensors, Signal to noise ratio

Proceedings Article | 21 August 2024 Presentation + Paper
J. Müller-Seidlitz, R. Andritschke, V. Emberger, M. Bonholzer, G. Hauser, P. Lechner, A. Mayr, J. Reiffers, A. Schweingruber, W. Treberspurg
Proceedings Volume 13093, 130930T (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3019707
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Field effect transistors, Monte Carlo methods, X-rays, Silicon, Spectral response, Electrons

Proceedings Article | 21 August 2024 Poster + Paper
A. Altmann, T. Bechteler, R. Strecker, P. Lechner, R. Andritschke, G. Hauser, C. Fiorini, K. Nandra
Proceedings Volume 13093, 130936Q (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3018813
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Silicon, Molybdenum, Anodes, Aluminum, X-rays, Spectroscopy, Detector arrays, Capacitance, Quantum sensors

Proceedings Article | 31 August 2022 Paper
J. Müller-Seidlitz, R. Andritschke, M. Bonholzer, V. Emberger, G. Hauser, M. Herrmann, P. Lechner, A. Mayr, J. Oser
Proceedings Volume 12181, 121813W (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2629474
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Field effect transistors, Spectroscopy, X-rays, Imaging systems, Electrons, X-ray detectors, Iron, Space operations, Silicon

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2022 Presentation + Paper
W. Treberspurg, A. Bähr, H. Kluck, P. Lechner, J. Ninkovic, J. Treis, H. Shi, J. Schieck
Proceedings Volume 12191, 1219119 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2629248
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Calibration, Field effect transistors, Silicon, Transistors, X-rays, Spectroscopy

Showing 5 of 47 publications
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