Dr. Ronald A. Della Guardia
Engineer at IBM Thomas J Watson Research Ctr
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (11)

Proceedings Article | 30 March 2010 Paper
Stefan Harrer, John Arnold, Dario Goldfarb, Steven Holmes, Rex Chen, Cherry Tang, Mark Slezak, Nicolette Fender, Ronald Della Guardia, Eric Joseph, Sebastian Engelmann, Shyng-Tsong Chen, Dave Horak, Yunpeng Yin, Rao Varanasi, Matthew Colburn
Proceedings Volume 7639, 763919 (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.846593
KEYWORDS: Back end of line, Dielectrics, Etching, Lithography, Reactive ion etching, Photoresist materials, Optical lithography, Semiconducting wafers, Copper, Polishing

Proceedings Article | 26 March 2010 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7639, 76390I (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.846443
KEYWORDS: Optical lithography, Einsteinium, Back end of line, Etching, Dielectrics, Semiconducting wafers, Lithography, Photoresist materials, Nanoimprint lithography, Reactive ion etching

Proceedings Article | 28 May 2004 Paper
Ronald DellaGuardia, Ranee Kwong, Wenjie Li, Peggy Lawson, Martin Burkhardt, Ioana Grauer, Qiang Wu, M. Angyal, H. Hichri, Ian Melville, K. Kumar, Y. Lin, Steven Holmes, R. Varanasi, T. Spooner, D. McHerron
Proceedings Volume 5377, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.544238
KEYWORDS: Lithography, Etching, Photomasks, Semiconducting wafers, Metals, Critical dimension metrology, Silicon, Image processing, Back end of line, Finite element methods

Proceedings Article | 30 July 2002 Paper
Proceedings Volume 4691, (2002) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.474635
KEYWORDS: Photomasks, Phase shifts, Lithography, Printing, Critical dimension metrology, Tolerancing, Photoresist processing, Semiconducting wafers, 193nm lithography, Photoresist materials

Proceedings Article | 24 July 2002 Paper
Proceedings Volume 4690, (2002) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.474275
KEYWORDS: Semiconducting wafers, Photoresist processing, Line edge roughness, Photoresist materials, Critical dimension metrology, Lithography, Manufacturing, Image processing, Statistical analysis, Photoresist developing

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