Experiments have been undertaken using the VEGA-3 petawatt laser system at the Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU) facility in Salamanca to investigate electron and ion acceleration in under-dense plasma. The respective longitudinal and transverse fields of the ‘bubble’ structure of a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) simultaneously accelerates electrons to GeV energies, and ions to 100s keV/u to MeV/u energies. The laser is configured to produce two ultra-intense laser pulses, each with a minimum pulse duration of 30 fs and a variable inter-pulse delay up to 300 fs. The double pulses can superpose or resonantly excite the LWFA bubble to increase the accelerating fields. By focusing the laser beam into a 2.74 mm diameter supersonic jet of He gas, using an F/10.4 parabola, an initial intensity of up to ≈1019 Wcm−2 can be realized at focus. This ionises the gas to produce plasma and the imposes a ponderomotive force that creates the LWFA accelerating structures. For backing pressures of 30 – 60 bar, corresponding to plasma densities of 1–4×1019 cm−3, the fields of the LWFA can exceed 200 MV/m, which is sufficient to accelerate electrons to GeV energies, and ions to 100s keV/u. This study focuses on ion acceleration in the transverse direction. He+1 and He+2 ion spectra have been measured using a Thompson parabola spectrometer and a multi-channel plate detector. He ions with energies up to a few hundred keV/u are observed for both single pulses (5.0 J) and double pulses (5.0 J and 3.6 J, respectively), where the inter-pulse delay is varied between 0 fs and ± 300 fs. The measured spectra are consistent with numerical simulations. Ions are observed to undergo electron exchange in the neutral surrounding gas, which produces different charge states ions and neutral atoms.
Laser plasma accelerators are highly versatile and are sources of both radiation and particle beams, with unique properties. The Scottish Centre for Application based Plasma Accelerators (SCAPA) 40 TW and 350 TW laser at the University of Strathclyde has been used to produce both soft and hard x-rays using a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA). The inherent characteristics of these femtosecond duration pulsed x-rays make them ideal for probing matter and ultrafast imaging applications. To support the development of applications of laser plasma accelerators at the SCAPA facility an adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez x-ray microscope has been designed to focus 50 eV - 10 KeV x-rays. It is now possible to produce high quality at silicon wafers substrates that can be used for x-ray optics. Platinum-coated (40 nm) silicon wafers have been used in the KB instrument to image the LWFA x-ray source. We simulate the source distribution as part of an investigation to determine the x-ray source size and therefore its transverse coherence and ultimately the peak brilliance. The OASYS SHAODOW-OUI raytracing and wave propagation code has been used to simulate the imaging setup and determine instrument resolution.
With the increase of laser power at facilities reaching petawatt-level, there is a need for accurate electron beam diagnostics of the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA), which are becoming important tools for a wide range of applications including high field physics. Electrons in the range of several 100s of GeV are expected at these power levels. Precise diagnostic systems are required to enable applications such as advanced radiation sources. Accurate measurement of the energy spread of electron beams will help pave the way towards LWFA based free-electron lasers and plasma based coherent radiation sources. We propose an innovative double dipole spectrometer suitable for characterizing bunches produced using a petawatt class laser.
The Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators (SCAPA) is a research centre dedicated to providing high energy particle beams and high peak brightness radiation pulses for users across all scientific and engineering disciplines. A pair of Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser systems (40 TW peak power at 10 Hz pulse repetition rate and 350 TW at 5 Hz, respectively) are the drivers for a suite of laser-plasma accelerator beamlines housed across a series of radiation shielded areas. The petawatt-scale laser delivers 45 W of average power that establishes it as the world leader in its class. The University of Strathclyde has had an operational laser wakefield accelerator since 2007 as the centrepiece of the ongoing Advanced Laser Plasma High-energy Accelerators towards X-rays (ALPHA-X) project. SCAPA, which is a multipartner venture under the auspices of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, continues the dedicated beamline approach pioneered by ALPHA-X and represents a significant expansion in the UK’s experimental capability at the university level in laser-driven acceleration. The new centre supports seven radiation beamlines across three concrete shielded bunkers that each nominally specialise in a different aspect of fundamental laser-plasma interaction physics and radiation sources: GeVscale electron beams, MeV/c proton and ion beams, X-rays, gamma rays and so on. Development of application programmes based on these sources cover a wide range of fields including nuclear physics, radiotherapy, space radiation reproduction, warm dense matter, high field physics and radioisotope generation.
High energy attosecond electron bunches from the laser-plasma wakefield accelerator (LWFA) are potentially useful sources of ultra-short duration X-rays pulses, which can be used for ultrafast imaging of electron motion in biological and physical systems. Electron injection in the LWFA depends on the plasma density and gradient, and the laser intensity. Recent research has shown that injection of attosecond electron bunches is possible using a short plasma density ramp. For controlled injection it is necessary to keep both the laser intensity and background plasma density constant, but set to just below the threshold for injection. This ensures that injection is only triggered by an imposed density perturbation; the peak density should also not exceed the threshold for injection. A density gradient that only persists over a short range can lead to the injection of femtosecond duration bunches, which are then Lorentz contracted to attoseconds on injection. We consider an example of a sin2 shaped modulation where the gradient varies until the downward slope exceeds the threshold for injection and then reduces subsequently to prevent any further injection. The persistence above the threshold determines the injected bunch length, which can be varied. We consider several designs of plasma media including density perturbations formed by shaped Laval nozzles and present an experimental and theoretical study of the modulated media suitable for producing attosecond-duration electron bunches.
Here we explore ways of transforming laser radiation into incoherent and coherent electromagnetic radiation using laserdriven plasma waves. We present several examples based on the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) and show that the electron beam and radiation from the LWFA has several unique characteristics compared with conventional devices. We show that the energy spread can be much smaller than 1% at 130-150 MeV. This makes LWFAs useful tools for scientists undertaking time resolved probing of matter subject to stimuli. They also make excellent imaging tools. We present experimental evidence that ultra-short XUV pulses, as short as 30 fs, are produced directly from an undulator driven by a LWFA, due to the electron bunches having a duration of a few femtoseconds. By extending the electron energy to 1 GeV, and for 1-2 fs duration pulses of 2 nm radiation peak powers of several MW per pC can be produced. The increased charge at higher electron energies will increase the peak power to GW levels, making the LWFA driven synchrotron an extremely useful source with a spectral range extending into the water window. With the reduction in size afforded by using LWFA driven radiation sources, and with the predicted advances in laser stability and repletion rate, ultra-short pulse radiation sources should become more affordable and widely used, which could change the way science is done.
The increasing demand for high laser powers is placing huge demands on current laser technology. This is now reaching a limit, and to realise the existing new areas of research promised at high intensities, new cost-effective and technically feasible ways of scaling up the laser power will be required. Plasma-based laser amplifiers may represent the required breakthrough to reach powers of tens of petawatt to exawatt, because of the fundamental advantage that amplification and compression can be realised simultaneously in a plasma medium, which is also robust and resistant to damage, unlike conventional amplifying media. Raman amplification is a promising method, where a long pump pulse transfers energy to a lower frequency, short duration counter-propagating seed pulse through resonant excitation of a plasma wave that creates a transient plasma echelon that backscatters the pump into the probe. Here we present the results of an experimental campaign conducted at the Central Laser Facility. Pump pulses with energies up to 100 J have been used to amplify sub-nanojoule seed pulses to near-joule level. An unprecedented gain of eight orders of magnitude, with a gain coefficient of 180 cm−1 has been measured, which exceeds high-power solid-state amplifying media by orders of magnitude. High gain leads to strong competing amplification from noise, which reaches similar levels to the amplified seed. The observation of 640 Jsr−1 directly backscattered from noise, implies potential overall efficiencies greater than 10%.
As an alternative modality to conventional radiotherapy, electrons with energies above 50 MeV penetrate deeply into tissue, where the dose can be absorbed within a tumour volume with a relatively small penumbra. We investigate the physical properties of VHEEs and review the state-of-the-art in treatment planning and dosimetry. We discuss the advantages of using a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) and present the characteristic features of the electron bunch produced by the LWFA and compare them with that from a conventional linear accelerator.
Advances in laser technology have driven the development of laser-wakefield accelerators, compact devices that are capable of accelerating electrons to GeV energies over centimetre distances by exploiting the strong electric field gradients arising from the interaction of intense laser pulses with an underdense plasma. A side-effect of this acceleration mechanism is the production of high-charge, low-energy electron beams at wide angles. Here we present an experimental and numerical study of the properties of these wide-angle electron beams, and show that they carry off a significant fraction of the energy transferred from the laser to the plasma. These high-charge, wide-angle beams can also cause damage to laser-wakefield accelerators based on capillaries, as well as become source of unwanted bremsstrahlung radiation.
X-ray phase contrast imaging (X-PCi) is a very promising method of dramatically enhancing the contrast of X-ray images of microscopic weakly absorbing objects and soft tissue, which may lead to significant advancement in medical imaging with high-resolution and low-dose. The interest in X-PCi is giving rise to a demand for effective simulation methods. Monte Carlo codes have been proved a valuable tool for studying X-PCi including coherent effects. The laser-plasma wakefield accelerators (LWFA) is a very compact particle accelerator that uses plasma as an accelerating medium. Accelerating gradient in excess of 1 GV/cm can be obtained, which makes them over a thousand times more compact than conventional accelerators. LWFA are also sources of brilliant betatron radiation, which are promising for applications including medical imaging. We present a study that explores the potential of LWFA-based betatron sources for medical X-PCi and investigate its resolution limit using numerical simulations based on the FLUKA Monte Carlo code, and present preliminary experimental results.
The Advanced Laser-Plasma High-Energy Accelerators towards X-rays (ALPHA-X) programme is developing laserplasma accelerators for the production of ultra-short electron bunches with subsequent generation of coherent, bright, short-wavelength radiation pulses. The new Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators (SCAPA) will develop a wide range of applications utilising such light sources. Electron bunches can be propagated through a magnetic undulator with the aim of generating fully coherent free-electron laser (FEL) radiation in the ultra-violet and Xrays spectral ranges. Demonstration experiments producing spontaneous undulator radiation have been conducted at visible and extreme ultra-violet wavelengths but it is an on-going challenge to generate and maintain electron bunches of sufficient quality in order to stimulate FEL behaviour. In the ALPHA-X beam line experiments, a Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser system with peak power 20 TW has been used to generate electron bunches of energy 80-150 MeV in a 2 mm gas jet laser-plasma wakefield accelerator and these bunches have been transported through a 100 period planar undulator. High peak brilliance, narrow band spontaneous radiation pulses in the vacuum ultra-violet wavelength range have been generated. Analysis is provided with respect to the magnetic quadrupole beam transport system and subsequent effect on beam emittance and duration. Requirements for coherent spontaneous emission and FEL operation are presented.
The laser-plasma wakefield accelerator is a novel ultra-compact particle accelerator. A very intense laser pulse focused onto plasma can excites plasma density waves. Electrons surfing these waves can be accelerated to very high energies with unprecedented accelerating gradients in excess of 1 GV/cm. While accelerating, electrons undergo transverse betatron oscillations and emit synchrotron-like x-ray radiation into a narrow on-axis cone, which is enhanced when electrons interact with the electromagnetic field of the laser. In this case, the laser can resonantly drive the electron motion, lading to direct laser acceleration. This occurs when the betatron frequency matches the Doppler down-shifted frequency of the laser. As a consequence, the number of photons emitted is strongly enhanced and the critical photon energy is increases to 100’s of keV.
Both the laser-plasma wakefield accelerator (LWFA) and X-ray phase-contrast imaging (XPCi) are promising technologies that are attracting the attention of the scientific community. Conventional X-ray absorption imaging cannot be used as a means of imaging biological material because of low contrast. XPCi overcomes this limitation by exploiting the variation of the refraction index of materials. The contrast obtained is higher than for conventional absorption imaging and requires a lower dose. The LWFA is a new concept of acceleration where electrons are accelerated to very high energy (~150 MeV) in very short distances (mm scale) by surfing plasma waves excited by the passage of an ultra-intense laser pulse (~1018 Wcm-2) through plasma. Electrons in the LWFA can undergo transverse oscillation and emit synchrotron-like (betatron) radiation in a narrow cone around the propagation axis. The properties of the betatron radiation produced by LWFA, such as source size and spectrum, make it an excellent candidate for XPCi. In this work we present the characterization of betatron radiation produced by the LWFA in the ALPHA-X laboratory (University of Strathclyde). We show how phase contrast images can be obtained using the betatron radiation in a free-space propagation configuration and we discuss the potential and limitation of the LWFA driven XPCi.
Gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide is an useful medium for investigating high-power laser-plasma
interactions over extended lengths because guiding can increase the interaction length to many Rayleigh
The role of the gas plasma plume at the entrance of a CDW in increasing the laser intensity is under
investigation. Experimentally have been performed different measurements of the plasma density
profiles in the region adjacent to exit plane of capillary. Simulations of laser pulse evolution in this
region, employing simulation codes and analytical functions, show that relativistic self-focusing may
lead to an increase of the pulse intensity compared to the case without the plume. Measurements show
that the on-axis plasma density over this region is close to that inside the waveguide (~1018 cm-3). Here
the laser beam converges to the smallest focal spot and relativistic self-focusing leads to an increase in
the laser intensity. If injection is guaranteed to occur early, the required length would only be of the
order of 3-8 mm for our parameters, with important advantages of a lower discharge voltages for gas
breakdown, and an easier alignment of laser beam
The normalised transverse emittance is a measure of the quality of an electron beam from a particle accelerator. The
brightness, parallelism and focusability are all functions of the emittance. Here we present a high-resolution single shot
method of measuring the transverse emittance of a 125 ± 3 MeV electron beam generated from a laser wakefield
accelerator (LWFA) using a pepper-pot mask. An average normalised emittance of εrms,x,y = 2.2 ± 0.7, 2.3 ± 0.6 π-mmmrad
was measured, which is comparable to that of a conventional linear accelerator. The best measured emittance was
εrms,x,=1.1 ± 0.1 π-mm-mrad, corresponding to the resolution limit of our system. The low emittance indicates that this
accelerator is suitable for driving a compact free electron laser.
The Advanced Laser-Plasma High-Energy Accelerators towards X-rays (ALPHA-X) programme is developing laserplasma
accelerators for the production of ultra-short electron bunches with subsequent generation of high brilliance,
short-wavelength radiation pulses. Ti:sapphire laser systems with peak power in the range 20-200 TW are coupled into
mm- and cm-scale plasma channels in order to generate electron beams of energy 50-800 MeV. Ultra-short radiation
pulses generated in these compact sources will be of tremendous benefit for time-resolved studies in a wide range of
applications across many branches of science. Primary mechanisms of radiation production are (i) betatron radiation due
to transverse oscillations of the highly relativistic electrons in the plasma wakefield, (ii) gamma ray bremsstrahlung
radiation produced from the electron beams impacting on metal targets and (iii) undulator radiation arising from
transport of the electron beam through a planar undulator. In the latter, free-electron laser action will be observed if the
electron beam quality is sufficiently high leading to stimulated emission and a significant increase in the photon yield.
All these varied source types are characterised by their high brilliance arising from the inherently short duration (~1-10
fs) of the driving electron bunch.
Raman backscattering (RBS) in plasma has been proposed as a way of amplifying and compressing high intensity
laser pulses for more than a decade. Not like the chirped pulse ampliffication (CPA) laser system, in which the
laser intensity is limited by the damage threshold of conventional media, plasma is capable of tolerating ultrahigh
laser intensities, together with RBS which is enable to transfer laser energy efficiently from a higher frequency pulse to a lower one, this scheme opens a scenario of the next generation of laser amplifiers. Experimental investigation has been carried out with a long (250 ps) pump pulse and a counter-propagating short (70 fs) probe pulse interacting in an under-dense preformed capillary plasma channel. Energy transfer from the pump pulse to the probe was observed. The guiding property was studied and the energy gain dependence of pump and probe energy were recorded.
The transverse emittance is an important parameter governing the brightness of an electron beam. Here we
present the first pepper-pot measurement of the transverse emittance for a mono-energetic electron beam from a
laser-plasma wakefield accelerator, carried out on the Advanced Laser-Plasma High Energy Accelerators towards
X-Rays (ALPHA-X) beam line. Mono-energetic electrons are passed through an array of 52 μm diameter holes in
a tungsten mask. The pepper-pot results set an upper limit for the normalised emittance at 5.5 ± 1 π mm mrad
for an 82 MeV beam.
KEYWORDS: Free electron lasers, Lens design, Electron beams, Optical simulations, Magnetism, Radio propagation, Plasma, Electron transport, Capillaries, Particles
Focussing ultra-short electron bunches from a laser-plasma wakefield accelerator into an undulator requires
particular attention to be paid to the emittance, electron bunch duration and energy spread. Here we present
the design and implementation of a focussing system for the ALPHA-X beam transport line, which consists of
a triplet of permanent magnet quadrupoles and a triplet of electromagnetic quadrupoles.
High power short pulse lasers are usually based on chirped pulse amplification (CPA), where a frequency chirped
and temporarily stretched "seed" pulse is amplified by a broad-bandwidth solid state medium, which is usually
pumped by a monochromatic "pump" laser. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of using chirped pulse Raman
amplification (CPRA) as a means of amplifying short pulses in plasma. In this scheme, a short seed pulse is
amplified by a stretched and chirped pump pulse through Raman backscattering in a plasma channel. Unlike
conventional CPA, each spectral component of the seed is amplified at different longitudinal positions determined
by the resonance of the seed, pump and plasma wave, which excites a density echelon that acts as a "chirped"
mirror and simultaneously backscatters and compresses the pump. Experimental evidence shows that it has
potential as an ultra-broad bandwidth linear amplifier which dispenses with the need for large compressor
Electron acceleration using plasma waves driven by ultra-short relativistic intensity laser pulses has
undoubtedly excellent potential for driving a compact light source. However, for a wakefield accelerator to
become a useful and reliable compact accelerator the beam properties need to meet a minimum standard. To
demonstrate the feasibility of a wakefield based radiation source we have reliably produced electron beams
with energies of 82±5 MeV, with 1±0.2% energy spread and 3 mrad r.m.s. divergence using a 0.9 J, 35 fs 800
nm laser. Reproducible beam pointing is essential for transporting the beam along the electron beam line. We
find experimentally that electrons are accelerated close to the laser axis at low plasma densities. However, at
plasma densities in excess of 1019 cm-3, electron beams have an elliptical beam profile with the major axis of
the ellipse rotated with respect to the direction of polarization of the laser.
The Advanced Laser-Plasma High-Energy Accelerators towards X-rays (ALPHA-X) programme is developing laserplasma
accelerators for the production of ultra-short electron bunches with subsequent generation of incoherent radiation
pulses from plasma and coherent short-wavelength radiation pulses from a free-electron laser (FEL). The first
quantitative measurements of the electron energy spectra have been made on the University of Strathclyde ALPHA-X
wakefield acceleration beam line. A high peak power laser pulse (energy 900 mJ, duration 35 fs) is focused into a gas jet
(nozzle length 2 mm) using an F/16 spherical mirror. Electrons from the laser-induced plasma are self-injected into the
accelerating potential of the plasma density wake behind the laser pulse. Electron beams emitted from the plasma have
been imaged downstream using a series of Lanex screens positioned along the beam line axis and the divergence of the
electron beam has been measured to be typically in the range 1-3 mrad. Measurements of the electron energy spectrum,
obtained using the ALPHA-X high resolution magnetic dipole spectrometer, are presented. The maximum central energy
of the monoenergetic beam is 90 MeV and r.m.s. relative energy spreads as low as 0.8% are measured. The mean central
energy is 82 MeV and mean relative energy spread is 1.1%. A theoretical analysis of this unexpectedly high electron
beam quality is presented and the potential impact on the viability of FELs driven by electron beams from laser
wakefield accelerators is examined.
Raman backscattering (RBS) in plasma is an attractive source of intense, ultrashort laser pulses, which has the
potential asa basic for a new generation of laser amplifiers.1 Taking advantage of plasma, which can withstand
extremely high power densities and can offer high efficiencies over short distances, Raman amplification in
plasma could lead to significant reductions in both size and cost of high power laser systems. Chirped laser pulse
amplification through RBS could be an effective way to transfer energy from a long pump pulse to a resonant
counter propagating short probe pulse. The probe pulse is spectrally broadened in a controlled manner through
self-phase modulation. Mechanism of chirped pulse Raman amplification has been studied, and features of
supperradiant growth associated with the nonlinear stage are observed in the linear regime. Gain measurements
are briefly summarized. The experimental measurements are in qualitative agreement with simulations and
theoretical predictions.
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