Dr. Wang Qi
at Univ of Shanghai for Science and Technology
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (5)

SPIE Journal Paper | 30 July 2024
Xian Ding, Chenliang Chang, Bo Dai, Qi Wang, Dawei Zhang, Songlin Zhuang
OE, Vol. 63, Issue 07, 073105, (July 2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.OE.63.7.073105
KEYWORDS: Holograms, Holographic displays, Binary data, Digital micromirror devices, Holography, Near eye displays, Tunable filters, Diffraction, Mathematical optimization, Optical simulations

SPIE Journal Paper | 28 March 2024 Open Access
Chenliang Chang, Xian Ding, Di Wang, Zhizhou Ren, Bo Dai, Qi Wang, Songlin Zhuang, Dawei Zhang
APN, Vol. 3, Issue 03, 036001, (March 2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.APN.3.3.036001
KEYWORDS: Computer generated holography, Holograms, Diffraction, Holography, 3D modeling, Wavefronts, 3D image reconstruction, 3D displays, Holographic displays, 3D acquisition

Proceedings Article | 5 January 2017 Paper
Ali Zahid, Bo Dai, Bin Sheng, Ruijin Hong, Qi Wang, Dawei Zhang, Xu Wang
Proceedings Volume 10244, 1024423 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2263412
KEYWORDS: Diffraction gratings

Proceedings Article | 21 February 2014 Paper
Zhenyun Wang, Qi Wang, Dawei Zhang, Qingyong Tang, Shan Han, Liang Ding
Proceedings Volume 9142, 914203 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2054020
KEYWORDS: Biosensors, Photonic crystals, Luminescence, Imaging systems, Biomedical optics, Biosensing, Sensors, Optical filters, Reflectivity, Image resolution

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2008 Paper
Da-wei Zhang, Qi Wang, Jia-Bi Chen, Song-Lin Zhuang, Hong-bo He
Proceedings Volume 7067, 70670J (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.794579
KEYWORDS: Reflectivity, Etching, Optical filters, Refractive index, Electronics, Biosensors, Optical filtering, Linear filtering, Lithography, Thin film coatings

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