Proceedings Article | 29 October 2009
KEYWORDS: Fiber to the x, Ranging, Networks, Optical fibers, Data modeling, Copper, Broadband telecommunications, Local area networks, Telecommunications, Instrument modeling
With rapid development of Internet and broadband access network, the technologies of xDSL, FTTx+LAN, WLAN have
more applications, new network service emerges in endless stream, especially the increase of network game, meeting
TV, video on demand, etc. FTTH supports all present and future service with enormous bandwidth, including traditional
telecommunication service, traditional data service and traditional TV service, and the future digital TV and VOD. With
huge bandwidth of FTTH, it wins the final solution of broadband network, becomes the final goal of development of
optical access network.
In this paper, technique theory of EPON is introduced at first. At the same time, MAC frame structure, automatic
detection and ranging of MPCP, DBA,and multi-LLID of EPON is analyzed. Then, service development ability, cost
advantage and maintenance superiority based on EPON technology are carried out. At last,with Cost comparison
between FTTH / FTTB building model and the traditional model, FTTB + LAN mode which is suitable for the newadding
residential users in general areas and FTTN + DSL mode which is suitable for the old city and rural access
network transformation are built up in detail. And FTTN + DSL project of rural information in rural areas and FTTH
broadband HOUSE project on service solutions program are analyzed.
comparing to the traditional access technologies, EPON technology has the obvious advantages, such as distance
transmission, high or wide band, saving line resources, service abilities, etc. These are the qualities which not only be
served for home users, but solve more access problems for us effectively.