Dr. Zhen-Yu Zhao was born in 1980 in Shanghai, China. He received the B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in physics from the East China Normal University in 2002 and 2005, respectively. In 2005, He become a Ph.D student in University of Paris 6 (UPMC) financed by the french government scholarship and defended his dissertation in 2008, Paris, France. Then, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Max-Planck Institute in Stuttgart (MPI-FKF), Germany. In MPI-FKF, he studied the THz generation and detection using fiber-lasers, which is financed by the “TEKZAS” project. In 2010, he joined the group of Prof. Martina Havenith in Ruhr University of Bochum(RUB), Germany. In RUB, he built-up a THz asynchronous optical sampling system for the study of THz biophysics. In 2011, he becomes an engineer in Femtolasers Produktions GmbH in Vienna, Austria. In 2012, he became an associate professor of applied physics in Shanghai Normal University in China, where he is leading a team to investigate the THz spectroscopy of metamaterials and semiconductor nanostructures. He has co-authored about 30 peer-reviewed journals and conference papers. He is a member of the German Terahertz Center (DTZ).
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