1 August 1975 The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
David A. Nichols
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The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) is man-aged within the Space and Missile Systems OrganizatiOn (SAMSO) (LA AFS, CA) of the Air Force Systems Com-mand. DMSP is an all blue-suit organization comprising: technical and management functions of the system provided by the Deputy for Defense Meteorological Satellite Systems, SAMSO, (LA AFS, CA); command and control functions provided by the 4000th Aerospace Applications Group, SAC, (OFFUTT AFB, NB); launch activities provided by the 10th Aerospace Defense Squadron, ADC, (Vandenburg AFB, CA); Logistics from AFLC; training from ATC; and Communications from AFCS. IMSP is a triservice program satisfying specific Army, Navy, and Air Force mission related requirements. The Air Force Global Weather Central, MAC, (OFF UTT AFB, NB) is the primary Air Force user of the satellite data.
David A. Nichols "The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program," Optical Engineering 14(4), 144273 (1 August 1975). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7971832
Published: 1 August 1975
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Defense and security

Meteorological satellites


Aerospace engineering

Control systems

Defense systems



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