3 September 2015 Dynamic alignment, tolerances, and metrology fundamentals at the nano and micro scales
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Although the terms “micropositioning” and “nanopositioning” refer to different classes of positioning systems, “nanopositioning” is often used mistakenly to describe micropositioning systems. Micropositioning systems are typically motor-driven stages with travel ranges of a few millimeters up to a few hundred millimeters. Because the guiding systems in such stages — usually bearings of some kind — generate frictional forces, their resolution and repeatability are typically limited to 0.1 μm. The guiding system working principle also adds errors that are typically in the micrometer range. Nanopositioning systems are typically based on frictionless drives and guiding systems such as piezo actuators and flexures. These systems can achieve resolutions and guiding accuracies down to the sub-nanometer level. Both of these classes of precision positioning and motion systems are used extensively in precision optical and photonic systems to achieve desired performance specifications of instruments and experimental research projects. Currently, many precision positioning and motion systems have been design and implemented to cross over from the micro to the nano ranges with excellent results. This paper will describe some of the fundamental performance parameters and tolerances typical of these systems, some of the metrology used to confirm specifications and a few high end applications of general interest.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Donn M. Silberman "Dynamic alignment, tolerances, and metrology fundamentals at the nano and micro scales", Proc. SPIE 9582, Optical System Alignment, Tolerancing, and Verification IX, 95820B (3 September 2015);
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