3 October 2022 Does structure really matter: influence of structural ‘perfectness’ of conjugated polymers on their optoelectronic properties and device performance (Conference Presentation)
Jochen Vanderspikken, Omar Beckers, Sam Gielen, Quan Liu, Alberto Salleo, Koen Vandewal, Wouter Maes
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Semiconducting organic polymers are most often synthesized by linking an electron poor and an electron rich (hetero)aromatic building block via a transition metal catalyzed cross-coupling copolymerization. Researchers aiming at exploring applications and fundamental performance limits, for example for organic photovoltaics, organic photodetectors, and organic electrochemical transistors, often assume that the obtained material consists strictly of a perfect repetition of the depicted polymeric repeating unit, whereas this is likely not the case. In this contribution, we demonstrate a synthesis approach to obtain the depicted “perfect” structure of these types of polymers and the influence of material defects on the optoelectronic properties and device performance.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jochen Vanderspikken, Omar Beckers, Sam Gielen, Quan Liu, Alberto Salleo, Koen Vandewal, and Wouter Maes "Does structure really matter: influence of structural ‘perfectness’ of conjugated polymers on their optoelectronic properties and device performance (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE PC12211, Organic and Hybrid Field-Effect Transistors XXI, PC1221107 (3 October 2022);

Optoelectronic devices


Organic semiconductors



Statistical analysis

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