24 August 2024 PRIMA: the probe far-infrared mission for astrophysics
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PRIMA addresses questions about the origins and growth of planets, supermassive black holes, stars, and dust. Much of the radiant energy from these formation processes is obscured and only emerges in the far infrared (IR) where PRIMA observes (24–261 um). PRIMA’s PI science program (25% of its 5-year mission) focuses on three questions and feeds a rich archival Guest Investigator program: How do exoplanets form and what are the origins of their atmospheres? How do galaxies’ black holes and stellar masses co-evolve over cosmic time? How do interstellar dust and metals build up in galaxies over time? PRIMA provides access to atomic (C, N, O, Ne) and molecular lines (HD, H2O, OH), redshifted PAH emission bands, and far-IR dust emission. PRIMA’s 1.8-m, 4.5-K telescope serves two instruments using sensitive KIDs: the Far-InfraRed Enhanced Survey Spectrometer (continuous, high-resolution spectral coverage with over an order of magnitude improvement in spectral line sensitivity and 3-5 orders of magnitude improvement in spectral survey speed) and the PRIMA Imager (hyperspectral imaging, broadband polarimetry). PRIMA opens new discovery space with 75% of the time for General Observers.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jason Glenn, Margaret Meixner, Charles M. Bradford, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, Erin A. Pope, Tiffany Kataria, Elizabeth Luthman, Marc C. Foote, Matthew B. Johnson, Matthew Cannella, Alan M. Didion, Richard Dissly, Jennifer M. Rocca, John K. Ziemer, Lee Armus, Jochem Baselmans, Cara Battersby, Alberto Bolatto, Denis Burgarella, Laure Ciesla, Anna Maria Di Giorgio, Carlotta Gruppioni, Thomas Henning, Oliver Krause, Brandon S. Hensley, Willem Jellema, Elisabeth Mills, Arielle Moullet, Marc Sauvage, John D. Smith, Rachel Somerville, and Johannes G. Staguhn "PRIMA: the probe far-infrared mission for astrophysics", Proc. SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 130920J (24 August 2024);

Galactic astronomy






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