The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, together with the Institut d’Optique Graduate School and Centre de Researche Astrophysique de Lyon, has been developing the Evanescent Wave Coronagraph (EvWaCo) a new kind of Lyot coronagraph that uses a lens and prism placed in contact as its focal plane mask. By the principle of frustrated total internal reflection, EvWaCo enables an achromatic rejection and ability to collect the light from the star and the companion. An EvWaCo prototype equipped with adaptive optics will be installed at the Thai National Telescope as an on-sky demonstrator. This demonstrator will work on a 1.2 × 0.8 m2 elliptical sub-aperture of the Thai National Telescope to reach a raw contrast of 10−4 at 3λ/D over the wavelength range [600 nm, 900 nm]. The completed optical design contains all the essential light path channels in high contrast imaging fitted inside a 960 mm×960 mm optical breadboard, namely the guiding camera channel, companion channel, star channel, and wavefront sensing channel. We also show the results of the tolerancing and straylight analysis.