Poster + Paper
27 August 2024 New developments on the Ingot WFS laboratory testing
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Conference Poster
The Ingot WFS was designed to overcome some of the challenges present in classical wavefront sensors when they deal with sodium LGSs. This innovative sensor works by sensing the full 3D volume of the elongated LGS and is suitable for use in very large telescopes. A test bench has been assembled at the INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova laboratories to test and characterize the functioning of the Ingot WFS. In this work, we summarize the main results of the tests performed on a new search algorithm. Then, we move towards a more accurate simulation of the sodium LGS by replicating real time-varying sodium layer profiles. The study of their impact on the ingot pupil signals is described in this work.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tania S. G. Machado, Simone Di Filippo, Kalyan K. R. Santhakumari, Maria Bergomi, Davide Greggio, Elisa Portaluri, Dheeraj Malik, Cesar Nesme, Carmelo Arcidiacono, Alessandro Ballone, Federico Battaini, Valentina Viotto, Roberto Ragazzoni, Marco Dima, Luca Marafatto, Jacopo Farinato, Demetrio Magrin, Luigi Lessio, and Gabriele Umbriaco "New developments on the Ingot WFS laboratory testing", Proc. SPIE 13097, Adaptive Optics Systems IX, 130973K (27 August 2024);
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Organic light emitting diodes


Signal to noise ratio

Wavefront sensors

Emission wavelengths




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