1 July 2011 Development of a micropump for Bio-MEMS using a new biocompatible piezoelectric material MgSiO3
Eiji Nakamachi, Hwisim Hwang, Noriaki Okamoto, Yusuke Morita
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A micropump of biomedical-microelectric mechanical system (Bio-MEMS) for drug delivery systems and health monitoring systems using a new biocompatible piezoelectric thin film was developed. We first assessed the performance of our piezoelectric thin film pump of a newly designed microfluid system using the finite element method. Numerical results show a sufficient transportation ability of our micropump system for blood tests. We generated a multilayer MgSiO3 thin film on Cu/Ti/Si (100) substrate using RF-magnetron sputtering. We measured the crystallographic orientation and piezoelectric property of the thin film and confirmed that MgSiO3 (101) crystal grew well. The strain constant d33 was calculated as 179.4 pm/V using the displacement-voltage curve. Furthermore, the deflection and eigenfrequency of the monomorph-actuator, fabricated using a micromachining process, were measured using the laser Doppler vibrometer, which revealed that the deflection linearly increased with applied voltage: it was 82.6 nm with applied voltage of 15 V. We measured the flow rate of a micropump using the luminance difference measurement method. Results showed that the maximum flow rate was 7.1 nl/s at the applied voltage of 15 V. We concluded that our newly developed MgSiO3 monomorphic micropump can be a comprehensive Bio-MEMS device.
©(2011) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Eiji Nakamachi, Hwisim Hwang, Noriaki Okamoto, and Yusuke Morita "Development of a micropump for Bio-MEMS using a new biocompatible piezoelectric material MgSiO3," Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 10(3), 033013 (1 July 2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3624515
Published: 1 July 2011
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