Open Access
30 March 2021 Display dimming model characterized by three-dimensional ergonomic study
Dandan Hou, Wei Xu, Shuo Jing, Yandan Lin
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Self-luminous display devices are essential in various working environments, such as aircraft cockpits and the driver cab of vehicles and trains, where the external light environment varies drastically. Owing to the significant illumination changes, auto-adjusted display luminance based on ambient lighting is necessary for drivers to work efficiently and comfortably. This study proposes a display dimming model based on three dimensions of ergonomic testing, consisting of visual performance (VP), visual comfort (VC), and visual fatigue (VF). Five ambient illuminances, each combined with five display luminance levels, form a total of 25 conditions demonstrated in this experiment. Using a within-subject design, ten observers experienced all the combination conditions. The experiment employs the Anfimov table to test the VP, VC scale to evaluate VC, and VF scale to assess VF. Based on the experimental results, sub-models are constructed to clarify the characteristics of each dimension (VP, VC, and VF). Subsequently, the analytic hierarchy process is employed to construct an evaluation system by calculating the weight of each dimension in the total score. Finally, exponential fitting is utilized to build a wide-range display dimming model, which explicitly describes the inherent connection of complex light environment matching.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Dandan Hou, Wei Xu, Shuo Jing, and Yandan Lin "Display dimming model characterized by three-dimensional ergonomic study," Optical Engineering 60(3), 035110 (30 March 2021).
Received: 7 December 2020; Accepted: 8 March 2021; Published: 30 March 2021 Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
3D modeling


3D displays

Data modeling

Light sources and illumination

Optical engineering

Visual process modeling

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