I received the B.Sc. and the M.Sc. degrees in radiophysics from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), Russia, in 2015 and 2017, respectively.
Currently I am working towards PhD degree in SPbPU. My current research interests include fiber optics, spectral interferometry, sensors, fiber Fabry-Perot microdisplacement sensor.
The awards list:
The diploma of 1 degree in personal offset "The All-Russian student's Olympic Games "Radiophysics" (Tomsk 2016);
Winner of a scholarship competition of Vladimir Potanin (2016);
Research grant list:
Grant of the Government of Saint Petersburg for students and graduate students (2015)
Performer of a grant of the Russian Federal Property Fund "Development of physical and mathematical model of influence of noise mechanisms on the resolution of methods of a spectral interferometry" (2016-2017)
Currently I am working towards PhD degree in SPbPU. My current research interests include fiber optics, spectral interferometry, sensors, fiber Fabry-Perot microdisplacement sensor.
The awards list:
The diploma of 1 degree in personal offset "The All-Russian student's Olympic Games "Radiophysics" (Tomsk 2016);
Winner of a scholarship competition of Vladimir Potanin (2016);
Research grant list:
Grant of the Government of Saint Petersburg for students and graduate students (2015)
Performer of a grant of the Russian Federal Property Fund "Development of physical and mathematical model of influence of noise mechanisms on the resolution of methods of a spectral interferometry" (2016-2017)
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