The goal of this investigation is to determine how the sedimentation of the magnetorheological (MR) fluid within an MR sandwich beam affects the beam’s dynamics. To discover this phenomenon, the authors measured the natural frequency and damping of a beam under several conditions, such as outer-layer stiffness, magnet location, and magnetic field strength, for beams whose MR fluid had sedimented and beams that were shaken to redistribute the fluid within the beam. The collected data was compared to previously measured modal data of the same beams when they were first built. The results show that the beams’ natural frequency lowered when the MR fluid sedimented and was shaken, but the damping rose for sedimented and shaken beams.
This paper presents a fundamental non-contact valve design developed by integrating a ring-stack piezoelectric actuator into a converging nozzle design to impart harmonic flow. The paper also outlines the governing equations as well as limiting factors that constrain the design and operating performance. The converging nozzle design achieves choked flow at the valve exit when the nozzle is fully open. Valve actuation centers around piezoelectric ring stacks: the piezoelectric stack is fixed within the valve on one end to the base plate and has a conical nozzle tip attached to the opposite end of the stack. When the stack fully displaces to its maximum length, the nozzle tip is in the closed position where minimal flow passes through the valve exit. The flow area between the nozzle tip and casing wall achieves maximum mass flow rate when the piezoelectric stack is at minimum length. The change in flow cross-sectional area due to the piezoelectric stack displacement generates a change in mass flow rate through the valve. Due to the small-scale displacement of piezoelectric stacks, different angles of the nozzle cone and casing are required to achieve a greater desired mass flow rate. This model is adjustable to accommodate various piezoelectric stack sizes and displacements or to alter the exit mass flow rate to best suit a particular application.
The purpose of this research is to measure the free-decay dynamics of a magnetorheological (MR) sandwich beam when influenced by a semi-active magnetic field and comparing the resulting damping performance to those of baseline fields. The research effort involved an experiment where the beam freely decayed while in a magnetic field that influences the MR sandwich beam, altering its damping performance. In addition to baseline cases of no magnetic field or a constant field, the electromagnet also had a field that would shut off after a set time and a field that would switch between a high and low field strength at a certain frequency. These results were also recreated numerically, which required an experimental modal analysis to gather certain material property data. The experimental findings showed little variation in the damping performance regardless of the magnetic field used, while the numerical analysis indicate that the magnetic fields would quicken damping, but only slightly. The results suggest that improvements to the sandwich beam structure may yield the greatest improvement in MR-fluid-based damping performance.
Piezoelectric materials are excellent actuator candidates due to their high frequency bandwidth. However, hysteresis and nonlinear material effects can reduce their overall performance, particularly when driven at high amplitudes and high frequencies. Of interest here is an application for high-frequency actuation. The demand for actuation authority requires careful characterization and accurate modeling of the piezoelectric actuator dynamics to ensure the intended performance. This paper presents such a characterization of a ring-shaped piezoelectric stack actuator. A series of experiments is presented to explore the ring stack actuator’s response both under free boundary conditions and with spring-applied preloads. Fixed voltage tests conducted confirm the expected quasi-static response, while oscillatory tests exhibit dynamics that impact response at higher frequencies. Preload stiffnesses appear to minimally change the nominal displacement observed compared to the baseline, no-load case. While the preloads were small, the actuator showed qualitatively similar performance for the unloaded and several loaded cases.
The goal of this paper is to explore the dynamics, namely, the damping, of a sandwich beam filled with magnetorheological (MR) fluid subject to different time-varying magnetic fields. The experimental portion of this research has a shaker generate vibrations in the beam before shutting off, measuring the beam’s deflection decaying. The numerical analysis is similarly conducted with an initial displacement. In either case, the decay is measured by fitting an envelope to the displacement and measuring the time it takes for the deflection to reach 5% of its initial value. These results indicate that certain transient fields have marginally less damping while also conserving electromagnet power output.
When considering damping in the design of a vibration system, magnetorheological (MR) fluids can provide an alternative to more traditional dampers that can take up unnecessary mass and volume on aircraft and space missions. The goal of this paper is to study the effects of transient magnetic fields on vibration systems in order to allow the system to reach its equilibrium position. These effects are modeled using a sandwich beam with an MR fluid core. A numerical and experimental modal analysis is conducted on the beam to measure the properties of the first mode, which are then used for a transient finite element model where multiple transient magnetic fields influence the beam’s motion. Comparing the modal analysis results reveals that both analyses are in agreement, as they offer similar modal parameters for the first mode. The free-decay numerical simulation shows that transient magnetic fields allow the sandwich beam to return to equilibrium, while also doing so quickly. Among other steps, future work will primarily consist of replicating the numerical transient results experimentally.
Pathological tremor produces undesired movements that decrease quality of life. Typical treatments such as medications and surgery have varying efficacy, risks, and side effects. Mechanical tremor suppression offers a potential alternative to these treatments: mechanical tremor suppression applies torques about joints to oppose the tremor-producing muscular torque and reduce tremor motion. Typical actuators create bulky exoskeletons that are not suitable for clinical implementations. However, dielectric elastomers enable soft, low-profile actuation that improves the potential for clinical implementation of mechanical tremor suppression. Recent research performs theoretical evaluation of dielectric elastomer-based tremor suppression, demonstrating the ability of dielectric elastomer stack actuators (DESAs) to produce very effective and robust tremor suppression via tremor-active control. A tremor-active approach only actuates to reduce tremor while the human motor system compensates for DESA passive dynamics. This approach leverages the low mechanical impedance of dielectric elastomers to compensate for their low actuation levels. This paper performs benchtop experimental testing of scaled tremor-active suppression using folded DESAs to validate previous theoretical studies. Since DESA manufacturing by folding can only achieve relatively thick layers, the DESAs do not possess the necessary actuation levels to suppress typical tremor amplitudes. Therefore, this paper evaluates a scaled system using a piezoelectric bimorph cantilever beam to represent human motion. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of a tremor-active impedance controller for DESA-based tremor suppression. Scaling up to DESAs with higher actuation levels will enable suppression of typical hand tremors.
This paper investigates potential approaches to delocalize the vibration that result from mistuning in certain cyclic structures. To achieve this delocalization, this paper analyzes a cyclic structure with embedded, adaptive stiffness elements. Cyclic structures are ideally built using identical subsection, mistuning refers to the frequent occurrence that subsections contain some deviations from nominal design parameters. These deviations between otherwise identical subsections can generate localized vibrations. This paper examines using the adaptive structure to achieve different stiffness configurations with the goal of: (1) retuning the structure or (2) decreasing the amplitude of vibration of the localized mode(s). Using a new analysis method developed to identify localized modes of vibration on mistuned cyclic structures, this paper considers a low-order model of a turbine engine blisk with attached adaptive elements. Two method are consider to show the possibility of delocalization. The first method changes the stiffness configuration of the system so that all subsections resonate at the identical frequency. The second method uses a minimization procedure developed to identify the stiffness configurations that minimizes the potential for confined modes of vibration. A mistuned system containing two localized modes was used to test out the delocalization capabilities of each method. Both methods were capable of delocalizing this mistuned system, with method one faring better than method two. Results not only show delocalization, but also that mistuned mode shapes can be distorted back to those of the tuned system.
Recent research proposes dielectric elastomers as actuators for mechanical suppression of pathological tremor. Dielectric elastomers offer several advantages compared to traditional actuators, including decreased weight, smaller profile, reduced rigidity, and better scalability. The similarities between dielectric elastomers and human muscle enable application of the actuators in a bio-inspired approach, where external artificial muscles directly actuate against tremor produced by the underlying human muscle. Two approaches exist for dielectric-elastomerbased tremor suppression: fully-active and tremor-active. In the fully-active approach, the dielectric elastomer actuators must actuate against tremor while also activating to follow the voluntary motion of the joint. In contrast, the tremor-active approach only requires activation against the tremor; the human sensorimotor system compensates for the passive dynamics of the dielectric elastomers. The tremor-active approach is unique to dielectric-elastomer-based tremor suppression since the soft actuators can have mechanical impedances on the same order or less than that of the human body. These two approaches have tradeoffs between actuation and viscoelastic requirements: the tremor-active approach decreases the actuation requirements, but applies limitations to the stiffness and viscoelastic characteristics of the actuator. This paper quantifies the necessary actuator parameters to achieve acceptable tremor suppression performance for each approach. The necessary parameters are normalized by joint parameters to generalize the results for tremor suppression about any joint.
Pathological tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic movement that can inhibit the ability of a person to perform everyday tasks. Recent research explores mechanical means of tremor suppression as an alternative to drugs and surgery. However, traditional control methods also suppress voluntary movements due to the close proximity of tremor frequency and the frequency range of typical voluntary motions. Therefore, the controller must identify and suppress the tremor torque with minimal influence on voluntary movement. In addition to the control design, the actuator plays a critical role in the performance and potential for clinical implementation of a tremor suppression system. Dielectric elastomers offer unique actuation capabilities due to their low stiffness compared to traditional engineering actuators. In particular, dielectric elastomers have similar mechanical properties as human tissue, making them ideal for actuation of the human body. This work applies an adaptive notch filter algorithm for vibration attenuation in a narrow frequency range using dielectric elastomer stack actuators. In this controller, an estimation of the tremor frequency ensures suppression of only the tremor motion. The adaptive filter estimates the tremor torque, and a force controller for the dielectric elastomer tracks the specified force. Simulations show excellent tracking of the desired motion for slower voluntary motions and for slowly varying tremor amplitudes. Even though the controller has diminished tremor suppression in the presence of rapid changes in tremor amplitude, it still offers a significant improvement over the uncontrolled case. Altogether, this work demonstrates the potential for the use of dielectric elastomer actuators in a soft orthosis to suppress pathological tremor.
KEYWORDS: Switches, Switching, Capacitance, Modulation, Control systems, Signal processing, Digital signal processing, Aerospace engineering, Piezoelectric driven mechanisms
Piezoelectric-based state switching selectively switches between available stiffness states. Some state switching methods require switching from a high- to low-stiffness state at points in the vibration cycle of non-zero strain, resulting in a rapid dissipation of the stored piezoelectric voltage, and a corresponding rapid variation in the system stiffness. This manner of switching induces high-frequency, large-amplitude mechanical transients that are unavoidable and is analogous to an impact, where increasing the switch duration reduces the range of modes excited. Recent develops show that controlling the duration of the voltage dissipation by means of a resistor in the shunt circuit significantly reduces these induced transients; however, incorporating a resistor in the shunt can introduce damping which may be undesirable, depending on the application. As such, this paper numerically investigates an alternate method of controlling the duration of the switch via a variable capacitance shunt.
Pathological tremor results in undesired motion of body parts, with the greatest effect typically occurring in the hands. Since common treatment methods are ineffective in some patients or have risks associated with surgery or side effects, researchers are investigating mechanical means of tremor suppression. This work explores the viability of dielectric elastomers as the actuators in a tremor suppression control system. Dielectric elastomers have many properties similar to human muscle, making them a natural fit for integration into the human biomechanical system. This investigation develops a model of the integrated wrist-actuator system to determine actuator parameters that produce the necessary control authority without significantly affecting voluntary motion. Furthermore, this paper develops a control law for the actuator voltage to increase the effective viscous damping of the system. Simulations show excellent theoretical tremor suppression, demonstrating the potential for dielectric elastomers to suppress tremor while maximizing compatibility between the actuator and the human body.
Piezoelectric-based, semi-active vibration reduction approaches have been studied for over a decade due to their potential in controlling vibration over a large frequency range. Previous studies have relied on a discrete model when switching between the stiffness states of the system. In such a modeling approach, the energy dissipation of the stored potential energy and the transient dynamics, in general, are not well understood. In this paper, a switching model is presented using a variable capacitance in the attached shunt circuit. When the switch duration is small in comparison to the period of vibration, the vibration reduction performance approaches that of the discrete model with an instantaneous switch, whereas longer switch durations lead to less vibration reduction. An energy analysis is then performed that results in the appearance of an energy dissipation term due to the varying capacitance in the shunt circuit.
Research in broadband nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvesting has gained traction in recent years as resonant, linear harvesters do not operate optimally in dynamic environments. By placing a linear harvester in a symmetric magnetic field, a nonlinear restoring force allows the system to realize motion across two potential wells. Different levels of excitation enable the system to oscillate solely in one potential well, periodically across both potential wells, or aperiodically across both potential wells. Periodic interwell motion is considered desirable for nonlinear energy harvesting systems, however, coexistent attractors inhibit uniqueness of such a solution. The authors have previously shown that chaotic, aperiodic motion between potential wells can be optimized for improved energy harvesting. The technique applied a chaotic controller to stabilize a large amplitude periodic orbit within the chaotic attractor. This work considers the basins of attraction of the two concurrent attractors and applies an intermittent control law in which the system is perturbed from a chaotic, aperiodic interwell response into the desirable large amplitude, periodic, interwell response.
Performance of piezoelectric-based, semi-active vibration reduction approaches has been studied extensively in the past decade. Originally analyzed with single-degree-of-freedom systems, these approaches have been extended to multi-mode vibration reduction. However, the accompanying analysis typically assumes well-separated modes, which is often not the case for plate structures. Because the semi-active approaches induce a shift in the structural resonance frequency (at least temporarily), targeting a specific mode for vibration reduction can actually lead to additional vibration in an adjacent mode. This paper presents an analysis using a simplified model of a two-degree-of-freedom mass-spring-damper system with lightly-coupled masses to achieve two closely-spaced modes. This investigation is especially applicable to the resonance frequency detuning approach previously proposed to reduce vibrations caused by transient excitation in turbomachinery blades where regions of high modal density exist. More generally, this paper addresses these effects of stiffness state switches in frequency ranges containing regions of high modal density and subject to frequency sweep excitation. Of the approaches analyzed, synchronized switch damping on an inductor offers the greatest vibration reduction performance, whereas resonance frequency detuning and state switching each yield similar performance. Additionally, as the relative distance between resonance peaks decreases, the performance for the vibration reduction methods approaches that of a single-degree-of-freedom system; however, there are distances between these resonant peaks that diminish vibration reduction potential.
Linear cantilevered piezoelectric energy harvesters do not typically operate efficiently through a large span of excitation frequencies. Beam theory dictates optimum displacement at resonance excitation; however, typical environments evolve and vary over time with no clear dominant frequency. Nonlinear, non-resonant harvesting techniques have been implemented, but none so far have embraced chaotic behavior as a desirable property of the system. This work aims to benefit from chaotic phenomena by stabilizing high energy periodic orbits located within a chaotic attractor to improve operating bandwidth. Delay coordinate embedding is used to reconstruct the system states from a single time series measurement of displacement. Orbit selection, local linearization, and control perturbation are all computed from the single time series independent of an explicit system model. Although chaos in non-autonomous systems is typically associated with harmonic inputs, chaotic attractor motion can also exist throughout other excitation sources. Accelerometer data from inside a commercial vehicle and a stochastic excitation signal are used to illustrate the existence of chaos in dynamic environments, allowing such environments to be likely candidates for the proposed bandwidth improving energy harvesting technique.
Piezoelectric-based vibration energy harvesting is of interest in a wide range of applications, and a number of harvesting schemes have been proposed and studied { primarily when operating under steady state conditions. However, energy harvesting behavior is rarely studied in systems with transient excitations. This paper will work to develop an understanding of this behavior within the context of a particular vibration reduction technique, resonance frequency detuning. Resonance frequency detuning provides a method of reducing mechanical response at structural resonances as the excitation frequency sweeps through a given range. This technique relies on switching the stiffness state of a structure at optimal times to detune its resonance frequency from that of the excitation. This paper examines how this optimal switch may be triggered in terms of the energy harvested, developing a normalized optimal switch energy that is independent of the open- and short-circuit resistances. Here the open- and short-circuit shunt resistances refer to imposed conditions that approximate the open- and short-circuit conditions, via high and low resistance shunts. These conditions are practically necessary to harvest the small amounts of power needed to switch stiffness states, as open-circuit and closed-circuit refer to infinite resistance and zero resistance, respectively, and therefore no energy passes through the harvesting circuit. The limiting stiffness states are then defined by these open- and short-circuit resistances. The optimal switch energy is studied over a range of sweep rates, damping ratios, and coupling coefficients; it is found to increase with the coupling coefficient and decrease as the sweep rate and damping ratio increase, behavior which is intuitive. Higher coupling means more energy is converted by the piezoelectric material, and therefore more energy is harvested in a given time; an increased sweep rate means resonance is reached sooner, and there will less time to harvest before the switch occurs; finally, increased damping nominally reduces the response of the system, therefore less mechanical energy is present and less energy will be harvested.
KEYWORDS: Actuators, Composites, Sensors, Control systems, Fluctuations and noise, Polymers, Feedback control, Amplifiers, Digital electronics, Finite element methods
NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), in collaboration with GE Aviation, has begun the development of a smart
adaptive structure system with piezoelectric transducers to improve composite fan blade damping at resonances.
Traditional resonant damping approaches may not be realistic for rotating frame applications such as engine blades. The
limited space in which the blades reside in the engine makes it impossible to accommodate the circuit size required to
implement passive resonant damping. Thus, we have developed a novel digital shunt scheme to replace the conventional
electric passive shunt circuits. The digital shunt dissipates strain energy through the load capacitor on a power amplifier.
GE designed and fabricated a variety of polymer matrix fiber composite (PMFC) test specimens. We investigated the
optimal topology of PE sensors and actuators for each test specimen to discover the best PE transducer location for each
target mode. Also a variety of flexible patches, which can conform to the blade surface, have been tested to identify the
best performing piezoelectric patch. The active damping control achieved significant performance at target modes. This
work has been highlighted by successful spin testing up to 5,000 rpm of subscale GEnx composite blades in GRC's
Dynamic Spin Rig.
The performance of piezoelectric-based damping and vibration control techniques has been studied and analyzed
extensively under impulse response or harmonic steady state conditions. Considered here is their performance
when subjected to an excitation whose frequency is close to a structure's resonance frequency but varies sufficiently
quickly to preclude a harmonic analysis. Although a rapidly-varying excitation frequency will reduce
the peak response amplitude, additional vibration reduction is often desired. The current research investigates
the performance of several common passive and semi-active (state switching) vibration reduction techniques. In
many cases, particularly for high electromechanical coupling, a system provides sufficient vibration reduction to
approximate a steady state condition. Special attention is paid to turbomachinery bladed disks and the feasibility
of implementing a particular vibration reduction approach. Semi-active switching approaches are more robust for
vibration reduction of multiple frequencies than passive systems which require optimal tuning to the excitation
condition. State switching, synchronized switched damping, and resonance frequency detuning provide the most
realistic embedded package. Of these three approaches, synchronized switched damping delivers the greatest
performance, although all provide significant vibration reduction. With far fewer and less stringent switching
requirements, resonance frequency detuning requires significantly less power than other semi-active approaches.
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